May 31/24
5:19 pm

RV Red Wolves





Below is my team and personal philosophy for coaching, as well as my player and parent expectations for the 2007 season.


My coaching style revolves around building my kids personal confidence in themselves, respecting for their teammates and having lots of fun. I believe I can accomplish this by consentrating on encouraging and nuturing my players strengths rather than dwelling on thier weaknesses. Building confidence in my kids gives them the motivation and desire to be coached and ultimately learn more.

I also strongely believe in having the kids set personal and team goals as a means of measuring thier improvements and successes throughout the season. I advocate attainable goals for the kids with a couple grand goals to push towards.

Lastly, respect and commitment to the team. I expect and demand that my players respect and honor their teamsmates and coaches. No negative talk, criticism or disrespect for teammates or coaches will be tolorated. This is a great group of kids and I expect great things from them.


This is a comp team and the commitment and expectations are going to be higher than if they were playing rec league. I expect players to always be to practices and games on time with thier ball, water jerseys etc. I expect only positive talk and enocuragement toward their fellow players and I hold myself to that same standard.


You job as the parent is to cheer you child on and encourage them to play hard, learn, have fun and respect their fellow teammates. You are your childs schedule maker and driver, so you're equally responsible for keeping your kids on time, dressed and ready to go. If your child will miss practices or games, i would very much appreciate knowing these things as far ahead as possible.


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