Jun 5/24
9:38 pm

RDFA Benbrook Stars Prep Academy Football




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Posted Jun 27/12 - Motivation and Insight

Each week the Stars will have a guest speak with the kids on how they were able to focus and what they did to reach goals in life.

There are some outstanding people out there who have great stories on being successful at whatever you do and we want our kids to see them and hear what it takes,we are not just a football program we are attempting to leave the kids who play football with the program a foundation to continue building upon what the parents are already telling them that its all possible.

What we hope they get from these weekly conversations is how to put a game plan together for the class room and in their daily lives then apply it,we will have people from all walks of life come by the practices. We intend to have the guest speakers come and speak for 10 minutes. 

Sponsor of the insight series of speakers  AAA Auger Plumbing for all your plumbing needs large or small .

If water is looking for a leaky hole blitz the problem by calling 972-870-0087 ask for Jack.


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