Jun 6/24
11:11 am

RDFA Benbrook Stars Prep Academy Football




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Posted Mar 18/13 - Still just a simple game !

The latest buzz word is the Pistol offense and before that the read option and before that......

You get the idea the game of football is and will always be the team with the better athlete wins ,in the case of the pistol its been around in some form or another for a while and with little fan fair because the teams using it didn't have the better athletes and while not producing a big splash teams sometimes won using it.

The game is simple and while long two page play calling in the NFL was once thought to be the only way to play the game todays game is played faster by using simply three numbers or mixture of wording which gives all the information needed for what is a play that takes less than 15 seconds to conclude.

The next time you are watching the game at any level simply remember 80% of the time the team who has the better athlete will win the game, the coach may look like a god but take a closer look at which team is winning the line of scrimmage battle and there stands your 80% winner.

The new era in youth football, todays youth football is moving into the era of the sidelining of fathers who were once invited to take part in being a coach,and yes many fathers don't have the extra time to become a coach due to work.

But knowledge and safety issues are todays buzz words around contact sports and it should be , simply watching the game doesn't serve as having knowledge tackling has become a lost art and knowing the correct technique will bring success for young players learning the game.

New rules will continue to reshape the game so while some part of what makes football the unique contact sport it is safety of future players will push the game into a slightly different game which is not such a bad thing either.




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