Jun 6/24
4:57 am

RDFA Benbrook Stars Prep Academy Football




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Posted Jun 24/13 - Key to strong running game

All teams at any level have on the wish list a strong running game, at the youth level its even more important but many teams can throw the ball very well in todays youth game but for those teams who can't master that craft here are the keys used at every level of the sport.

1. While you don't need multiple formations to do it, having them doesn't hurt you either if used correctly.

[ Master a small number of plays the key is understanding how to excute them vs a variety of defensive fronts.]

2. Make sure all of the offensive players understand who they must block, it doesn't matter so much about your X'S and O'S if the players don't know who they are to block.

[Work the practices around the blocking schemes handoffs ,footwork that it takes to make the play successful]

3. Be relentless with the attack be also open minded to making adjustments that may be needed.

Even NFL coaches sometimes fail to do this within the scope of a game.

[ your plan is to physically demoralize the defense into submission , which if successful you will start to see defenders jogging to the play, avoiding contact and overall allowing the offense to run where ever it wants.]


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