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Black Bettys



Grand Forks

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Posted Dec 10/13 - Tournament Post Meeting

Black Bettys Post Tournament Meeting

December 9, 2013

Station Pub – Phoenix Room



7:03 pm - Attending:  Gail Clark, Pepe Ludwar, Val Wright, Tam Clark, Dayna Esson (notes).

Late:  Ang McIver (7:08pm), Sarah Unruh, Bec Sneddon (7:12pm)


Tam Clark – needing Sabrina to be taken off the Bettys account in order for her to be added so she can pay bills and have signing authority with Colleen on the account.


Gail and Pepe handed in receipts to Tam for reimbursement for expenses incurred for buns and stuff for the chili and the Thank you add in the Gazette for donations.


Sarah gave the debit card back to Tam.


Tournament Feedback:


  • We should be serving coffee in the warm room.
  • Half way during the tournament beer started to be brought to the dressing rooms for the players.  Maybe this was because certain teams did not pick up their packages to receive their beer tickets.
  • Drinking beer in the dressing rooms is not covered by our liquor license.  Even though it is “over-looked” by arena staff, it puts some of our team members at risk legally. 
  • Ang said she was going to look into finding a legal way to do this.  If it is not possible, we need to make this clear for next year.
  • More food was needed for Saturday we need to address this for next year.
  • Mens final was very competitive maybe consider a round robin option for next year.
  • Invites need to include more information
    • Recreational tournament
    • Semi- Competitive
    • No college players
    • No carded players
    • Etc…
  • Ang was going to find out more information about a beer gardens grant she heard about.
  • Team rosters should be filled out in advance.  Consider sending out roster templates to teams via email which will accompany tournament payment.
  • It was mentioned that the Cougars were “out of our league” and somewhat condescending while playing.  We will not invite them back next year due to the fact that they are too advanced for the rest of the ladies teams.
  • Playing time should go later on Saturday so teams have more time to get home on Sunday.
  • Trail could not play on Friday which is why they were stuck with two 8am games.
  • We need to make sure invites go out sooner or have tighter deadlines for fee submission so we can have more time to make and fill the schedules.
  • Ang suggested that we have two new people to organize the tournament next year.  Val suggested that the new person(s) are shadowed by someone with the experience so we don’t miss anything.
  • Next year we will have one head organizer and a tournament committee.  Christine emailed Sarah and Tam a check list for tournament duties.  This will allow more Bettys to share in the responsibilities and lessen the load for the main organizer(s).  Dayna will be working on this with a few team members to ensure the list is as accurate and detailed as possible. 
  • Some team members did not step up to the plate soon enough for filling clock and beer garden shifts.  Next year, there will be a deadline for sign up and then players will be scheduled by the committee to fill in spots that are not covered.  It will be the responsibility of those players to switch shifts or find replacements.
  • Val will be sending Dayna some of her templates for the tournament to keep on file.
  • Ang said Stu made good money and was happy with the weekend.
  • Tam suggested maybe a burger and a beer special next year.  We should connect with Stu again pre-season to find out what is best for him.
  • We made $313 on the baskets.  The final number is not in yet from Sarah due to the fact that some receipts had not been submitted for reimbursement.  If anyone has receipts, please submit them to Sarah or Tam by the end of practice on Thursday, Dec 12.



Other Comments Team Related:


  • We will be bringing back the tournament sign-up sheets to practices.  One initial email will go out to the whole team and sign up will be done at practices. 
  • Looking at the option of handing off some of the “tournament invites” to individuals attending those specific tournaments to disburse the load from Sarah for keeping track of who is going to what tournament.  Nothing was finalized at this meeting, this should be discussed further.
  • Val mentioned that there were tonnes of ladies teams at the Wenatchee tournament, she will contact them to see if we can get more in the loop.
  • We also need to find more contacts for mens teams.  We should designate a few Bettys to take this on when we go out of town for tournaments.  Making sure we pass on our new email address as a contact.


  • There was some discussion of team members who have paid for the season and who have signed up for our home tournament to have dibs on playing first rather than basically making the teams as even as possible.  It was mentioned that it wasn’t fair to those that come to practice on a regular basis play with members that can’t make it out regularly – implying that there should be an option to play with more consistent team to get used to playing better together.  Dayna halted the conversation and suggested this be discussed before the September 2014 playing season. 


  • Tam suggested we have more meetings.  More information to follow.


  • Meeting adjourned 8:09pm.







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Notes from Dayna post meeting:


Sorry to get all “official” on y’all but…..I am going to suggest that we have more structured meetings.  Tam mentioned that in order for her to be added to the account we needed official minute notes signed by two people.

We should have an agenda and try to stick to the topics being discussed.  I found that the meeting went off topic a few times and there were too many people interrupting each other. 


I have started an agenda for items that were missed as well as items that need to be discussed further.


If you have comments about things we talked about please try to make it to the next meeting and if your topic is not on the list, please send me an email and I will add it.


Future Agenda Items:


General Meeting

Tam signing authority follow up

Follow up on tournament sign up sheets

Tournament “hand off”

Val – Contact Wenatchee ladies teams

Contacts for mens teams


Tournament Meeting

Beer in the dressing rooms – Ang more info on legal way?

Mens final

Details on invites

Deadlines on invites

Food for weekend

Committee Selection

Ang – beer garden grant


Val templates sent

Stu food special

Baskets?  New ideas?

Creating teams – paid vs drop in

Team fees adjusted?


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