Jun 6/24
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RDFA Benbrook Stars Prep Academy Football




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Posted Apr 2/15 - New Field of play

A lawsuit was filed on behalf of a 16U Volleyball player but the same has taken place in high school football and other sports.

The lawsuit is one of a number filed across the country in recent years as families have increasingly turned to the courts to intervene in youth sports disputes. Parents upset that their children have been cut, benched, yelled at by coaches or even fouled too hard are asking judges to referee.

Some experts see such lawsuits as part of a shift in youth sports in recent decades away from sandlot play and intramural teams to professionalized leagues and tryout teams partly aimed at snagging scholarships for players and giving them a leg up in college admissions.

Although most kids join just for fun, or to hang out with groups of friends, for some families the competition takes on a more serious focus. Parents are spending thousands and giving up countless weekends for kids to participate on travel teams and prestigious high school programs. Experts say parents want a return on that investment — and a handful are willing to sue if they don’t get it.

The court has been added as a new type of field for young athletes though it is really nothing new there has always been battles within youth football leagues in the past it was mostly around a losing team being defeated in the playoff's by another team sopposedly using players added to the roster the magic of the injunction would be called upon to settle the dispute, now moving just ten short year's into 2015 parents are suing for playing time even at the high school level .

Ok it is already well established that the coaches make subjective decisions about who plays and doesn't and while some players do get lost in the shuffle of that decision we have as a society moved into a situation where dealing with loss or being placed in a waiting situation is unpopular and thought of as some type of lone term health affect that can't be recovered from with the passing of time, someone reading this story can flash back to being subjected to the situation of losing playing time at some point while participating in sports and while bitter over that choice by the coach at the time they were able to use that as fuel to look at situations in daily life differently, now coaches do have tough choices to make sometimes but sometimes the talent speaks for itself and if the player can be patient they will get another opportunity.



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