Sep 20/24
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This is the "where" we go to the next level, as coaches and as a team.  Any diagrams and plays are conceptual; it’s the physical level of play.  Our intent is to disguise application and effectiveness, and teach our children to adapt.  My job is to strengthen the mind, while they have fun physically. 

So there are two perspectives.  First, teaching the tried and true methods of playing football.  This is good if you only want to be a competitor.  Secondly, and most overlooked is the mental aspect of the game.  Do you or anyone else truly believe that the mind has any effect on the outcome of the game?  The achievers incorporate mental attitude as part of the winning formula. 
The main requirement that we would like our team to understand is that we have to be flexible in how we approach our challenges.  That means being able to adapt quickly and effectively. 

There are two circumstances that I can think of that will present themselves.  The first is a quick adaptation and response that takes the opponent out of the running.  The other situation requires the most coaching.  It is when the opponent scores and demoralizes the team.  What do you do?  How do you respond?  The answer lies in mental fortitude, flexibility, and fundamentals.

Mental fortitude is accomplished mostly through repetition and preparation.  We repeat the desired outcomes in order to imprint an outcome that is yet to come (manifest).

Flexibility hinges on effective communication to the players.  This assumes that the communication channels have been established in practice, before the initial or opening game of the season.

Fundamentals allow the weak to focus on a common interest.  Blocking is blocking, tackling is tackling.  Do you block the wrong person or in the wrong direction?  Do you make the tackle when it’s you and the runner?

Outside of whatever preparations are made to mitigate these problems, the best response lies in the ability to adapt.

A change in coverage, called in from the sideline must be followed to the "T" by the players on the field.  This only comes from the players experience at practice.  Without this, winning is only a hope. 

Players can and will adjust and adapt if we introduce the basics, then explain the changes and allow them to demonstrate it during practice.

Call it magic, science or art; it is a step beyond the average.  If this sounds "out there", don't be surprised.  As a team, we are not obsessed with winning or exceptional performance, but as coaches we provide the optimal situation, under which our teams will function at their maximum potential.  A combination of practice, flexibility, concern, preparation and attention to detail.

Defense has to adjust to offense; it’s the age old challenge.  Offense must take the initiative and demoralize the opposing defense before they can effectively respond.  Only if that is the conscious intention or desire of the experienced coach.

Many teams and coaches have no intimate knowledge of football at this level. They teach, show, direct, and execute out of muscle memory.  That is not sufficient to defeat superior competitors. 

At the DCSC level we run the risk of settling for the low hanging fruit.  To become superior, it only takes the combined master mind, several coaches linked and focused on the same goal. 

Each one brings a determination and focus that "should" overlap the weaknesses of the other coaches.  Together, a combined effort by any measure will surpass the minuscule attempt of a broken or singularly focused coaching staff.

Defense wins games, offense must score, but I believe defense can out score offense.  What a problem!  When Defense does respond by stopping the offense, without scoring, it is a minor loss.  Now they must rely on the offense, this is a weakness.  Have you ever seen what happens when the offense cannot do what the defense expects in a game?  It's ugly.  Now you have a non scoring offense, and a pissed off defense.  Hopefully they (offense) will score themselves. 

Consider this, when defense scores everyone takes a sigh of relief.  Why?  Because the job of the offense just got easier.  We all know that this is a position full of risk.  An undisciplined offense will realize that they can rely on the defense to protect the lead.  A true disaster in the making, for all the obvious reasons.

This is the true "inside" game on the field.  You will never get anyone on the sidelines to admit it though.  The initial manifestation is the defensive player that intercepts, recovers, or denies a first down.  These are seen as defensive plays but are truly offensive attacks.  Teach the defense to act as an offense and the job offense must do is much easier.  Teach the offense to add to the defensive scores and you win.  You win in big numbers.

So, how do I get my team to step up?  One way is in setting the expectation level.  For starters, I expect defense to score.  The End should be in the backfield, causing the Quarterback to fumble, with the Guard Tackle or Linebacker picking up the ball and scoring.  Yes I have taught this as a play.  The two ends are a sub team on the defensive line.  The quarterback can only focus on one at a time.

If it’s in the air it belongs to the RAVENS.  We own the space.  Our opponents intrude.  They must pay to play in our space, payment is loss of possession at a minimum.

You don't have to understand this yet, but you will see it soon.  Remember I told you.

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