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RDFA Benbrook Stars Prep Academy Football




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Posted May 16/16 - Youth Sports Concussion and Brain Injury Hearings

A follow up hearing from the March 2016 discussion on concussions and brain injury by the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Chaired by Rep. Tim Murphy (R) Pennsylvania was held on Friday the 13th of May. Specific to prevention and research of youth sports concussion.

While over 30 million participate in youth sports (football) from age 5-18 making them the largest demographic within the sport of football, they also are the most underserved when it comes to prevention,research and information.

Question- in regards to youth sports are whether there are educational policy guidlines in place for coaches, players and parents and if so how are they implemented? was one question asked by the committee of the panel.

Question number two- was based upon the challenges of youth leagues and team data on concussion policy information and injury reporting on concussions.

Rep. Diana Degette (D) Colorado ranking member stated that experts in the March 2016 round table meeting suggested that in 7-10 years they would have enough evidenced based recommendations for policy involving safety protocol for youth sports, she goes on to state that if that were to be taken as true she herself as a mom would say that would be to long. And experts on the May 13th panel also said that is rediculous and that the information can be collected right now, but one of the problems is how to collect it since their probably is no process in place within youth sports currently to do so.

Some of her questions were based upon when is a safe start time for playing, football how many times per week should contact be allowed, and what type of education should be implemented for coaches.

One other surprise came from the hearing was the number of concussions from practice within the high school level numbers like 60 to 70 % does this suprise you while reading this, after all you probably thought the high school coach was better at this well guess again, he too also has some learning to do, the NFL USA Football arm also came under fire when asked why if they think and now know that the possiblity of practice contact can cause concussion why does it still support a 4 day contact practice advocation (the representitive went silent and had no response) this same representitive stated that the USA football arm didn't have the money to reach out to all levels of football with education on concussion, but one problem with that statement is that in 2014 the NFL gave $40 million dollars to USA football question would be where did all the money go?

Now what was gained from the hearing one very clear agenda and that being that in the future the government is about to mandate an educational policy into youth football but will enter every other youth sport as well.

The Benbrook Stars prep academy is already ahead of this our program is a school of football training, the coaches are required to attend classroom study and receive a certificate in introduction to coaching which covers CPR, Health and Safety, Concussion Awareness and other protocol involved in being a coach, who in today's game is a teacher of the training health technique and mental understanding of the game, Gno Metric Analytical to track injury and any concussion to players data. 


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