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Posted Jan 5/17 - Dyscalculia ?

What? Dyscalculia is a disability that affects about 6% of the population,it can affect the understanding of mathematical symbols.

Difficulty with addition,subtraction,multiplication and division or may find it difficult to understand the words "plus," add, "add-together

Difficulty with every day task like checking change and can sometimes cause problems even with basic level estimating.

Causes are many it can be from head trama in early years and other causes.

Now before we go on what is the basic concept of math

1. Foundational skills- research has shown that visual perception,visual memory, and logical thinking(make problem solving possible) and are considered the most important foundational skills of math.

2.Mathematical skills- are based around counting, adding and subtraction of multiplication and division.

3.Knowledge-one has to know and learn terms ,definitions,symbols,theorems and axioms, these are things one must know not things he must know how to learn how to do.

Now a haha moment is some of these very people can solve math problems having to do with algerbra and other more advanced math while struggling to add a simple 6+4=10 math problem, or which way is north.

There is no cure for this but understanding what it is can start the process for making adjustments in the learning processes to make learning easier for those who suffer from this disability, kids may show signs early on when entering school but no one will catch it leaving the person to have their own misunderstanding of why they don't get it and those around them to think they aren't trying hard enough.

Research this topic more if you as a parent have questions about your childs slow development in understanding math or sence of directions, it could be nothing or it could be that Dyscalculia is causing  problem that is unexplainable by the person as this afflication affects adults as well as children, but in most cases it started as a child and no one understood the problem, many adults suffer with this and still don't know or understand why they can't understand simple math.


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