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Posted Oct 25/17 - Is Football the Average Man

Is Football the average Man's Sport?

 October 25, 2017


The question is whether today’s NFL game can be considered an average man's sport? its being packaged away from that model, one could argue that the early years of the sport was modeled in that direction of yes you can be one of the few.

That started to change once they started looking at the draft as a marketing tool, so today’s marketing is players that are bigger than life model, completely moving away from the number of participates from the neighborhood street level of the sport. Kids used to play pick up games in the street, not so much today, and to be honest the on field product of the NFL is not good either over half of the league is not up to the challenge.

In the era of non dominate defenses many offenses have trouble scoring,the attention span of fans have shortend and find it more interesting to follow the sport through fantasy play.

That level of young fans playing the sport in the street  in the past made up a large percentage of the fan base, the concussion concerns and other problems have reduced numbers, simply look at soccer the street level support in other countries is that sports base and feeder fan system.

Today the average man and even women participate from the standpoint of fantasy football, understanding this point offer many opportunities.

 The Texas Football League and the RDFL academy school Institute model operates as a Trades, Technical school, that develop pro prospect talent for the upper level of the sport unlike other development leagues that have come and gone.

Our game rules are amended, the operating model is totally different, and we are using a lot of data instead of big names to build the academy league.

Game rules also eliminate kickoff's extra point and field goal attempts as a safety measure, data will be tracked as to how many players are tagged for concussion and other injuries, something other leagues aren't conducting,that currently call themselves development leagues on the semi pro level.

And from the school academy development operating standpoint, we will track everything happening week to week so as to develop programs around feed back instead of fitting a round circle into a square simply because we are playing football,doesn't mean it should scale.




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