function popup(mylink, windowname) { var href; if (typeof(mylink) == 'string') href=mylink; else href=mylink.href;, windowname, 'location=no, screenX=0, screenY=0, left=0, top=0, width=500,height=300,scrollbars=NO'); } function validate_advertising() { if ( == '') { alert("You must enter your email to continue.");; event.returnValue=false; } else { if (document.form1.password.value == '') { alert("You must enter your password to continue."); document.form1.password.focus(); event.returnValue=false; } else { if ( == '') { alert("You must enter your name to continue.");; event.returnValue=false; } else { if ( == '') { alert("You must enter your city to continue.");; event.returnValue=false; } else { if ( == '') { alert("You must select your country to continue.");; event.returnValue=false; } else { if ( == '') { alert("You must select your company to continue.");; event.returnValue=false; } } } } } } } function validate_advertising1() { sp=form1['sport_adv[]']; reg=form1['region_adv[]']; gotsport = 0; gotregion = 0; for (var i=0; i' ); } function ss(link){ if (document.getElementById) { obj = document.getElementById(link); window.status = obj.value; } return true; } function cd(link){ window.status = link; return true; } function cs(){ window.status=''; } function ca(link){ if (document.getElementById) { obj = document.getElementById(link); top.location.href=obj.value; } } function textCounter( field, countfield, maxlimit ) { if ( field.value.length > maxlimit ) { field.value = field.value.substring( 0, maxlimit ); alert( 'Textarea value can only be ' + maxlimit + ' characters in length.' ); return false; } } function validate_ad() { mEv1=form1.title.value; mEv2=form1.photo_only.checked; mEv3=form1.ad_photo.value; mEv4=form1.ad_photo_old.value; if (!(mEv1 != '' || (mEv2 && (mEv3!='' || mEv4!='')))) { alert( 'You must either enter an Ad Title or upload a photo and check the photo only box.' ); event.returnValue=false; } }