Milleteers Cruise To Game One Victory

Posted August 4, 2010

Milleteers Cruise To Game One Victory
The Milleteers jumped out to a one game series lead after they convincing took game one in Leduc against the Ryley Rebels. After Ryley rallied to win their tight series against Holden they came out flat tonight in game one against the Milleteers. 

The Milleteers continued their hot hitting from their semi final series as they jumped all over Rebels starter Dylan Solberg, who did not have his normal stuff after coming off the DL for the playoffs. In the first inning Trevor Pahl got it started after he reached on an error, then Kevin Doyle followed with a hit. Then Steven Pahl followed with a liner to left that was dropped, and scored two runs. Then Pahl scored on a grounder to give the Milleteers an early three run lead.

In the second it was more of the same as a combination of hits and errors allowed the Milleteers to score another three runs to jump out to a six run lead. The Rebels then turned to veteran Ronny Oslund to stop the bleeding, but the Milleteers continued to score runs, including a bizarre inside the park homer from Trevor Pahl as he waltzed home after catcher Dustin Solberg and base runner Adam Pahl were having words after Adam took an elbow from a frustrated Solberg as he crossed the plate. While the two were arguing, no one thought to retrieve the ball at the backstop so Trevor kept going and ended up walking across home with a dumbfounded look on his face as no one had seen such a play since Little League.
On the other side of the ball last year’s playoff hero Steven Pahl got the start and he was tough on the Rebels as he did not walk a batter and did not allow an extra base hit to the power hitting Rebels. Early on the Milleteers defense was tight as Pahl was finding his footing, then he got the strikeouts going and ended up with 10 Ks and only one unearned run. 

Game two is scheduled for Thursday in Ryley and it should be a good one as the Rebels should have their ace Curt Stensrud rested for the tilt. It is not known who the Milleteers will throw as they have a bevy of options as all-star Scott Peterson, 7-0 Ryan Walker, and even lights out fire baller Jon Anstey are all rested and available.