Fall Meeting Announced

Posted September 1, 2010

Fall Meeting Announced

The PBL has decided to hold a fall league meeting for the second year in a row. The meeting will take place on Thursday, September 30th at 7:00pm at the Tofield Arena. The meeting is open to the public and any thoughts and opinions on matters pertaining to the PBL are definitely welcome. 

Although the league seems to be a lot more stable this off season as compared to all the expansion and contraction action that went on last season, the executive felt it would be a good idea to discuss some issues that popped up during the season and review some rules and policies that could affect the upcoming season. The fall meeting also lets the league deal with pertinent issues while freeing up the spring meeting to deal more with scheduling and any other fires that are sure to surface.

So far the agenda includes hot button topics that seem to pop up every year. After some rather interesting all star selections that had the league and its website all a buzz, the all star selection process will be at the top of many lists.

The other issue that garnered the most headlines during the season was the schedule. Although a new schedule cannot obviously be made until the spring this meeting will set out some guidelines such as length, number of games, rain out dates, etc.

The rest of the topics include reviews of previous rules and regulations such as the new for 2010 18 player roster rule, Baseball Alberta affiliation, and the always controversial substitution rule. 

The league will also look for some guidance on what direction the website should take and will finish the night with elections for the executive. Any other topics or discussion points can be added and the executive encourages any interested PBL members to voice their opinions either at the meeting in person or to their team representative so that their voice can be heard.

Posted on September 1, 2010 by Jason Buzzell