
Yorkton Weather

11th December, 2024
Overcast Clouds
Wind: 5.14 meter/sec
Blastball Grey
Jr Jays Dk Blue - 2011 Season
Mosquito Orange - Front Row L-R: Daxton Kulcsar, Dray Sobkow, Matthew Washington, Jayden Halliday, Karson Krasowski - Middle Row L-R: Landon Sorensen, Colby Hoehn, Ashton Webster, Aiden Nystrom, Dasek Sobkow, Jackson Long - Back Row L-R: Rene Kulcsar (asst coach), Darrell Sobkow (coach), Clint Halliday (asst coach
2017 Teams
2017 Teams
2017 Teams
Blastball Dk Blue
Jr Jays Lt Blue - 2011 Season
Blastball Orange
Rookie Blue - Rookie Blue team - Back Row L-R Brock Junek (Asst Coach), Trent Szabo (Coach) - Middle Row L-R Mason Lammers, Riley Ooi, Kenton Effa, Andrew Ross, Vicaas Junek, Michael Misener - Front Row L-R Lonnie Badger, Jaycee Brownlee, Dawson Lake, Vinay Junek, Mallory Stackhouse, Keane Szabo - Missing--Tristan Watrych -

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