Playoffs Rd #1

  Posted August 27, 2012

With a strict 7am curfew in place the Dbacks were able to field an entire team for the 9am Saturday game.  This was key as the league only allows teams with members on the board to move playoff games at will.  ...

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The Worst Series Ever Played

  Posted August 27, 2012

With two games being played on short notice rescheduling and with those games having no real meaning by the time they were played; this did not bode well high quality baseball.  ...

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Viagra Shortage

  Posted August 17, 2012

Dbacks took the untended to field(yet again) for their second game this week against the Cocks. Under strict orders from upper management to stop being ejected so much. They were able to make it an entire game with only one umpire and player getting in a shouting match and no ejections ontheir way...

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Boy Scouts have gone down hill.

  Posted August 17, 2012

The game was filled with many Dback errors, another bomb by a pitcher, and the Dbacks inability to hit any pitcher not named Nelson. The booted the ball around and played scrub on their way to a 9-4 loss. ...

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Winning is good

  Posted August 02, 2012

With another two week layoff ahead the Dbacks took the field looking to get back in the win column and one step closer to solidifying a playoff spot.  The game started off well for the Dbacks putting up 8 in the second inning.  With the two week layoff ahead SS pulled himself a...

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Retro Night

  Posted July 31, 2012

The Dbacks opened the DH with pack the park night and a BBQ.  The Outlaws heard this and decided to add to the fun by making it retro night.  They had some players wearing retro jerseys and brought back numerous players from last years roster to make an appearance (The Dbacks had one fan...

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  Posted July 24, 2012

On a perfect Monday evening the Dbacks showed why they carry a 37 man roster with only 12 showing up and one of those retired after striking out (In the third inning IMDB came in to the dugout said he was hurt and wanted out.  He hung up his jersey and his hat and walked away without saying a...

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Typical Saturday

  Posted July 22, 2012

The day started off like any other against the Longhorns. Pre-game the Dbacks were getting ready had already claimed a dugout and the Longhorns in their typical douchey style waited until they were all over at the cage and then proceeded to move their entire team into the dugout. We let it slide a...

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Cock Slapped

  Posted July 19, 2012

Everything was looking good for the Dbacks to start.  The infield was terrible, the starting pitcher didn't warm up,  both teams were late, first play of the game was a god awful call at first.  There was no way we could lose with that start. ...

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Dukes Destroyed

  Posted July 11, 2012

In a game much more suited to the Dbacks style(6:30pm) The bats were as hot as the day was warm.  The Dukes thought they would stick with the theme of being all around bush and throw the only player on their team with grey pants.  He apparently had arm surgery earlier that day and topped...

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Diamondbacks 3
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