Jul 16/24
6:50 pm







our first game was always going to be a little shakey to start as guys need to get to know each other some more. This is the sort of thing that can be sorted in pre-season but unfortunatly we diddnt have much of a pre-season, i can't remember any past pre-season where we never once got every team member out but also had so many games cancled at short notice ...oh well

game started at a decent pace by both teams we lookd a little panicy at the back until everyone had touched the ball a few times i dont recall to many chances early on for either team but Josh showed well down the left and Alfano looked solid in midfield. Once we settled into a pattern of play and started to use Chad down the right things started to happen the highlite of the first half was a Jon Craig header that we all thought was a certain goal until the keeper pulled off a great save

second half started much as the first ended we had the better of the play and created more dangerous chances Alex made a great save diving to his right and holding the ball well Gary and Sayer looked for the most part to have thing sealed up at the back which allowed both Chad and Ben to get more in the play Russel looked dangerous all game until we took him off and put A.J. in his place who had a couple of livley runs and the closest we came to winning was a goal line scramble which ended with a toe poke that some how was blocked on the line.

all in all we were happy with what we saw good solid D  hard working mid and livley up front. 


Before we all get over exited with the win i want to point out this is not the chilliwack of old the team that dominated the premier for a number of years however iit was a good win and a well deserved win

i seem to recall they hit the woodwork we had a few scrambles and some good work from Alex kept them down to just one goal but at the other end we had more chances to score and held possetion for more of the game again A.J. was so close to his first goal and Jon had some great headers on goal but it took some great work from Kaz down the left to draw almost all defence in and then slipped the ball to an unmarked Russ who calmly slotted from about 12 yards out

Chilliwack scored next with a fairly tame shot that looked like it went through two sets of legs and under our keeper before it rolled into the net. the next ten mins was their best spell but the D stood firm and gave us the chance to go on and win with the introduction of A.J and Josh seemed to give us a much needed lift and again down the left but this time A.J. chipped the ball in with his left straight on to a waiting Russell who made no mistake

as for our first man of the match i could give it to any of the D line who i thought were huge today or Jon who was a constant thorn in their side  i loved the way Kaz played today especially when he went down the right and took the piss out of their guy in the corner but i dont think anyone can dissagree that Russel was the biggest difference maker today not just the two goals but the composure he showed in his finishing the ability to be in the right place at the right time and then to re-estsblish control in the midfield when our starters blew up CONGRATULATIONS Russ


This has got to be one of the sweeter results that we will get this year but it was not one of the sweetest games at times we were scrappy and more than a little panic set in but i love the way we stuck to our task workd hard and ground out the result

first half fairly even we had the early chances they had a lot of controll and produced nothing  0-0 at the half

at the half Gary told us we need to something different on corners so he did the keeper flapped and 1-0 to us this gave them the spark and they put us under a lot of pressure which eventually led to their goal 1-1 for the last 12 mins we knew they would look for the win the bench was screaming calm down and keep the ball the sweeper is screaming HARD AWAY eventually we kept the ball long enough to take it past half way not sure what led to the goal and i dont really care i just saw a red shirt put the ball in the net and the field and the side lines erupted thanks Alfie  

most of poco's chances seemed to come from a long way out which is always a good sign and when they are bitching at each other you know you have them . Once again the starters wore them down and the bench finished them off its great for a coach to have that kind of strength in depth


i cant help being dissapointed with this one its not like the result wasnt right its not like we should have won its because we looked like we could'nt have won especially in the second half

the first half seemed quite even after the first 15 Kaz was realy getting at their back line our D was solid and the mids were starting to take control on the odd chance they had alex stood up big and kept them out as for the goal i feel 50/50 on yes it was a foul the ref let go but why was Chad doing that on his own 18 yd line anyway. no big deal we know we can get that one back we are always strong in the latter end of the game

second half i thought it was strange that half the guys went to huddle and half walked away and that seemed to carry into the game we never got the ball to kaz as much as we did in the first half our free kicks were poor by our own standard our passing was only matched by the selection of passing ( weak & weak )  and we never looked like geting back into the game

i was screaming from the side to get possetion and bulid i even spoke to chad to get the message out and we still knocked the long ball to the front two and hoped they created some magic on their own

there is no way our mids can sit in front of the D and two seconds later be supporting the front line its just not possible i do prefer the theory that if you dont score we dont lose so yes i want the mids to protect the d its what TEAMS do for each other  but when we get the ball we cant just fire it forward and expect anything other than its gonna get rammed right back down our throats the only time we looked real dangerous against poco and peace arch was when we moved up the pitch as a unit our d line on the half all our mids on the move and needing picking up and our forwards creating havoc

i only know two ways to win a game either we score more than they do or they score less than we do .... its not about looking good or looking pretty i dont like the gungho attitude of lets all tear forward at every opportunity i want you guys to be in control

 when they have the ball we get men behind the ball and no way are they getting past us when we have the ball we will decide what to do next when we want to do it and how we are going to do it we keep possetion we keep it simple and move up the field as a unit until we are ready to pull the trigger ... ok rant over onto next week

A.C.B.C.  1 V 1  COBRA'S

we knew going in that this was the most tallented team with a high goals for and a high goals against what may have caught us out a little is how fcking fast they can run boy can those guys move we also knew that they are the most moaniest bunch we will come up against in prem

the first half started much as i predicted they were hot for the first 10 and when we settled down and got our rythem they started to bitch at each other and the ref with their best chances all coming from breakaways i was much happier this week with our build up and how quickly the midfield joined the attack we were way more dangerous this week than last but what i did feel was poor was our first touch it always seemed to get away from us and this was right accross the board a fast paced breakaway up the left hand side led to a guy going in on Alex who was given no chance 1 min from half time 1-0 A.B.C.D.

The second half seemed to be more of the same we built as a unit and held the ball much longer than last week...... this gives the d men more time to get their breath back and allows the mids to join the attack and they went tic tac toe and were charging in on net then with a couple of changes to try and find this weeks formula a last ditch idea from len was swap jon for ozzy this is something we had discussed a few weeks back ..... now i know its hard to go to a game and not get on well it seems even harder to go on for the last 8 mins its hard to get into the game and have an impact but once they had settled for jon now they have to figure out the new guy its not just a new set of legs late in a game its also a whole new thought process and im sure ozzy had two defenders mixed up just long enough for russ to snatch a tie

some times its not how big the point is for us this time they diddnt get 3 and when the league is this tight that is important looking at the standings right now we are 5th and have played the top 3 and we are only 2 points off second place


Cobra's  4 v 0  D.M.U.

This should be an easy one to write about with a game like that

once again the strength and depth of our squad was on display with a few key guys missing players were asked to step in and take their chance and i cant remember anyone who diddnt with Kev missing it was the perfect chance for Jevon to bury the peace arch display and he did that with Chad out for a while it was a good time for Josh Craig to step in but he was not available so Alfie showed his flexability by playing right D and Kyle got to fulfill his desire to play prem for the first time and diddnt let anyone down Ozzy once again converted to play up front just to give us a different dimention and Gary played what i thought was his best game to date

we have alot of possatives to come from this game but dont forget who we were playing this team is not a premier team and diddnt look like one so we if we are a decent prem side should have dominated them and we did thus proving we are a decent prem side

the game started much as i expected they diddnt lie down and roll over for the first 10 / 15 then once we pushed and kept them in their own half for the next 10 you could see them wilting and thinking oh****here we go again

Russ settled everyone's nerves by getting the first before half and allowed us to bring players in at half time shortly after the re-start Jon finally got his reward for all the hard work he has been doing and A.J. slotted the third making putting his trip off worth while Jon sealed the deal with his second and our 4th to win the game going away

i know i may have the second and third goals mixed up but i'm getting old and easly confused

all in all a good team performance good discapline and a good result  

Aldegrove 1  v  3  Cobra's

this was the nicest win of the season so far for me , not just beacuse its my first win in any competition at any level against a team from here but the fact that no one can say we were lucky or should have whacked them .

this was a team that had almost matched us game for game against the same teams and only one point seperated us before kick off

the first goal today was what ive been looking for all season a break up the wing  , the ball in behind the defence by Kaz   both the defence and attack all running towards goal and finished off well by Kev the second was straight off the wish list all week ive been thinking this is a game that Josh P will get his reward and it was from nice work from both Josh and A.J. down the left put Josh in on goal and he tucked it away well

the third i cant remember that well other that i looked up and big J.C. was steaming towards goal and then it was in

their goal was always going to come and from a  free kick they looked dangerous plus in the first two mins they hit the woodwork other than that the D line took care of all that they showed up with

Cobra's 3  v  1  Abbey

first of all i want to point out how important the little things can be ive always felt that if the basics aint in place you can expect the rest to follow.

practice on thursday was sloppy some guys there at 8.30 some at 8.45 others turned up at 9 pm and some not only diddnt turn up but never made a call.

ive not made to much fuss about time keeping and attendance but up to now ive not had to, when i see a performance like we had on Friday i tend to look at the last thing we did and feel perhaps we ought to tighten up a little and dont let what we have going for us slip.

the game .... i felt we started ok but soon started to shoot ourselves in the foot either these guys were way faster than we thought or we were a little slow moving the ball eith way it seemd every other pass, they got a foot on it and spoiled what we were trying to build it felt like an ice age before we settled down again and looked anything like the team we have proven to be. what looked like a scramble was finaly poked in by A.J.

this seemed to help us more than them but from a nothing build up and a nothing shot came a weird bounce that took both our last man and keeper off guard and 1-1 it was

the second half started exactly the same as the first yeah thats right the ref blew his whistle but then for what seemed 30 mins we where under attack after attack until yet another inspired substitution then within 20 seconds Kaz cut inside and unleashed an unstopable shot from 25 yds out. i'm still not sure if it was the three bounces it took before it reached the keeper or the two after that threw him  2-1 us guys

Russ being Russ was not going to be out done on the scoring front but was asking to come off just as the chance came and he duly obliged 3-1 for the final    


Langley 2  v  2  Cobra's

we knew going in to this game that Langley are a top side and whether we like it or not they did to us what we have been doing to others

this game we always looked the better team we moved the ball well had about 55/45 possetion and looked more dangerous on the break than they did but they still eeked out a draw and almost got the win.

Alex gave us all a heart attack early on and looked a little dodgy for the next ten mins til he got his confidence back neither team looked all out winners and it was a pretty low key first half which is exactly what they wanted having only one sub who never did get on but a nice ball in from Gary was met perfectly by Ozzie 1-0 us guys at the half

second half started a little faster cos now they have to chase the game a little and they started to play at our pace again we looked the better side and had the better chances until they worked the near post header .....i'm so glad we covered that at training last week 1-1

the tackle that led to their next goal is a mystry if you slide in from behind its an automatic whistle if its studs up its a card the guy may have got the ball but its from behind so he got the ball with an illegal challenge we know what happend just dont know why 2-1 them guys.

now the game comes to life we throw everything at them make a few changes throw some more at them then it happened introduce Cody with his golden right boot who banked it in off Jons head for the game tieing goal

ive had several versions of how the next one stayed out all very different all to no avail 2-2 tie it stayed . I just want to make a special mention of how well Mike handled his first real challenge when the chips are down well done Mikey it was great to see


once again we find ourselves going into a game as fav's to win, and after the last couple of weeks i was a little worried about the way we started the game .... well not this week , we came out on fire and kept the foot on the gas til we scored, not sure of the build up but the ball was cleared and just sat nice for Kasrah to hit a first time volley to take his goal tally to match his yellow card tally.

it seemed at this point that we were in so much contol of this game, perhaps some players felt we were going to win with ease and it looked for a while like we would. this sometimes can lead to disaster and it almost did as they almost got a goal seconds before half time break.

the one thing we have done very well in most games this season is play our game, all game long. tonight we seemed to get off our game a little and instead of using the wide men in the second half it started to go up the middle and come straight back down the middle. you have to realise that the quickest route forward is ussually the quickest route back and the 'D' line get no rest and instead of being able to pick a pass, they have to just clear it. to many times we just hoofed it to jon and expect him to hold it, we have talked at length about playing it through the mids to help get everyone moving up the pitch together and in the second half we got off our game plan..... but we got away with it ...... we are top for at least 48 hrs and our best goals against is secure for another week ...... we have some tough games ahead and we must get back to what we do best.


this was another game where i dont think we set up right and warmed up right and came out a little flat.

whack looked a way better side than last time we played them and had some great one touch football going on and at times we got caught chasing shadows. their goal came from a questionable call on ozzie but you cant argue with the guy's finish Alex was on great form for this game but he could not get near the finish. the only time we looked good in the first half was the last 15 perhaps fitness, perhaps we settled down to our style of play a little.

second haf saw A.J. and Taj enter the game to give the other's defence somthing different to think about and whack never took control like they did in the first half, with 20 to go we switched to 3 4 3 with sayer coming off and Jon going back on up front then bingo it fell to Jon who seemed to have a wack at it with his good foot then buried it with his other foot   1-1

The rest of the game seemed to played in their half but to their credit they withstood all we threw at them  1-1 final


MATCH ABANDONED 1-0 down with 21 mins to play in awfull conditions. not sure what will happen next , all i know is it is an exec decision and they meet next on the 3rd of dec.

typical cobra's game .... if we get passed the first 15 mins we seem to settle down and get a little more into it .... this game was no exception only we allowed them to score 10 mins in. lets get somthing straight when a player has time to bring the ball down , turn and shoot, and this all takes place 20 / 25 yds from goal dead center of the park with two central defenders within 5 yds and not closing down or putting in a challenge its a D line error. i dont often point fingers as to who was to blame but i do when there is credit to be given. sorry guys it has to work both ways or you cant be expected to learn if i dont point out what went wrong.

the rest of the game was fine ....in fact at the point of the injury i was quite confident we were going to go on and get somthing out of this game. As per usual it was starting to get late in the game and we were starting to realy take it to them ... think about it 1st game v chillie ,2nd game v chillie, 1st game  v poco,  a.c.b.c.  abbey and langley ..... in all these game what we got ... we got in the last 10 mins or even later .... and in this game we had over 20 mins left ...... i was way way happier with this game in those conditions than last week ......... lets hope they make us play the full game again


What a game i thought we were going to come out a little slow then 3 / 4 mins in we finaly get out of our own half and bang 1-0 up. set up by the move i keep asking for in out up the field a sharp cross in and bingo.

this seemed to shock grove but not stop them coming and for the first 20 mins or so they may have had as much if not more of the play than we did but our D stood firm and our keeper made saves and theirs diddnt. from 30 mins on there was only going to be one winner in this game and we finished the half 3-0 up.

too many changes at half time seemed to unsettle the ship a little and we seemd to lose our way and from out of nowhere the score got to 4-2 when the fifth went in that seemed to take the wind out of their sails  and we soon made it 6-2.

even with good games like this one there is alway somthing we can learn with this one it shows too many changes is not a good thing and no matter who the team is or what the score is no one rolls over at this level we have to keep our foot on teams throats when we have then. the min we let up and they get right back into the game ..... no more ease off chats ... no more take it easy .... we have to go balls out in every game until the final whistle is blown

easly our best game of the season to date some of the play was awsome.. crisp passing ... good movement and taking the right shot at the right time..... well done guys


OK so its back down to earth with a bump, on a day when too many people dont play to their best what you saw was what we got. a mix up saw us down to 10 men for way longer than we wanted and it cost us the first goal.a simple long ball to the back post plus a poor challenge and did we have a guy on the post ???. in big games that first goal is crucial because until that point we had the better chances to score ... if we had put two of the four chances we had away i would like to know how they would re-act .... can they come back like we do or would they self destruct ....

Alf had his check in his pocket until this point.... almost 3 mins of xtra time on the first half. one slip and another long ball to back post another poor challenge and its 2-0

the third and fourth goal dont even matter our heads were down our shoulders dropped just when we should have been stepping it up we seemed to start going through the motions a little. i know some guys out there worked their bollocks off and we all have to feed off that if you see a team mate lagging a little gee him up tell him it aint over til its over .....just do what ever you can to help him as he would for you .

COBRA'S 1  V  4  A.C.B.C.

it always hurts to write about a loss but when you put everything into perspective we started the season by saying if we can start off by avoiding relegation then perhaps we might push and sneak in to the last provincial spot well if we finish 5th and get that last spot we will be able to do that with room to spare and as a new team we should be proud of that.

every time you square off against acbc you know that they have loads of talent more so than any other team in the league so the only safe way to beat them is to contain them as best you can and try to hit on the break. well we faild to do that in the first half and still came in tied at one's

after much discusion at half time i asked to not change too much just play our own game on our own park ..... i feel that this did not happen.... too many people pulling in different directions when all we had to do was do what we have been doing all season and keep them out til the last 20 mins or so because even in this game at 3-1 down we were the better team over the last 20 or so if we had made it 3-2 with 10 / 15 to go they just might have self destructed

football is not just about who can play the best soccer its also about who goes home with the points we have been outplayed in a number of games this season but still gone home with the points today we changed what we do and got beat 4-1 that says it all to me   


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