Jul 16/24
11:49 pm

Boo Williams Red Tide 13U
Girls AAU Basketball



Virginia Beach


As a coach, I have 4 goals for our team at this level:
1. I want the girls to enjoy playing. "Working" on your game doesn't always produce instant results. We need to provide an environment that keeps them "at it" until the results come consistently. The girls need to be inspired enough to want to push themselves. If they enjoy it, they'll give themselves to it.

2. To teach the girls how to fully compete without fear, accepting the results without excuses, learning from setbacks, building off of successes, and working as a team. These are "life lessons" that will carry them well beyond where basketball takes them. "Character" should be one of the rewards of competition.

3. To assure that our players are TECHNICALLY sound vice simply athletic. None of these girls have taken on their final "shape". Height, weight and speed are "relative." "Technique" is forever. Technical skills are required for the girls to have the opportunity to play in High School, College, or beyond.

4. To provide a flexible opportunity that allows our players to improve during the "off season" while still maintaining other priorities. These priorities range from other sports (track/ softball/ field hockey) to theater or simply buckling down on academics. Unfortunately, with today's early push for specialization, not improving during the "off season" may end their chance of a "next season". We'll strive to make our plan flexible enough that the girls can maintain balance in their lives and improve their basketball skills, while still avoiding "basketball burn out".


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