Jun 30/24
5:14 am

TMSAA Area 2



East TN Area 2 Large School Division




2010 Area 2 Basketball Tournament, Large Division


January 23 – January 30


Game Instructions:



  1. The higher seeded team will be the home team and wear white uniforms.  The lower seeded team will be the visiting team and wear dark uniforms. The home team will sit to the right of the scorer’s table facing the playing floor.


  2. Teams participating in the first game will be able to take the floor no more than 20 minutes prior to the first game.


  3. After the first game teams will be given a ten-minute warm-up period.


  4. No game will start before the scheduled time unless both coaches, the tournament director, and officials are in agreement.


  5. All completed lineups should be given to the scorer, on the form provided, 15 minutes prior to game time.  All starters should be marked.


  6. Starting line-ups will be announced prior to the game.


  7. Warm-up balls and game balls will be provided.


  8. Cheerleaders must stay off the playing floor during play.  They will be allowed to cheer on their designated ends during the games.  Cheerleaders will cheer on the same end of the floor that their team is seated on. 


  9. Any spectators who do not exhibit good sportsmanship will be ejected from the gym.



Dressing Rooms:



  1. The tournament director will assign dressing rooms.


  2. Teams are responsible for their own valuables.  Dressing rooms will not be locked during the games.


  3. Coaches are responsible for checking the dressing areas before leaving.  This will aid in determining responsibility if damage occurs.  Report any damage immediately.



Ticket Gate/Pass Gate:



  1. Admission for all games will be $5.00.  Children six and under will be admitted free.


  2. Tickets will go on sale thirty minutes prior to the first game.  No one will be admitted prior to this time.


  3. On Saturday, January 23 there will be two sessions, AM & PM.  The gym will be cleared between the two sessions.  New armbands will be required for the PM session.


  4. There will be no tournament pass sales.


  5. Each team must submit a pass list of managers, players, cheerleaders, coaches, and administrators no later than Monday, January 18, 2010.  Each person will be required to check in daily. No one will be admitted free who is not on the pass list.  The pass gate will be located in the front of the building. 


** Fax pass lists to Rob Cummings at (865) 494-6653**


  1. All persons leaving the building will be required to show their armband for re-entry.









  1. Anderson County Schools is a smoke-free environment.  According to the TCA there is no use of tobacco products on school grounds.  Anyone using tobacco can be cited by law enforcement officials.  The use of tobacco on school grounds will not be permitted.



Hospitality Room:



  1. A hospitality room will be provided for coaches, administrators, and officials only.


  2. The hospitality room will open approximately 30 minutes prior to the first game and close 30 minutes after the last game begins.



All Tournament Team:



  1. The Tournament Director will appoint a Tournament Committee to select 10 players for the All Tournament Team and 1 MVP for both the Girl’s and Boy’s Bracket.  These awards will be presented following the championship game on Saturday.


  2. All awards will be presented at the conclusion of the games on Saturday.  All Tournament Awards must be picked up on site.  They will not be mailed.





**All questions need to be directed to Rob Cummings, Tournament Director.  I can be reached at (865) 494-7171 or**





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