Jul 16/24
5:17 pm

Eisenhower Youth Basketball



New Berlin


Code of Conduct

Coaches:  Treat players, parents and officials with respect.  Encourage hard play and good sportsmanship in games and at practice.  Do not humiliate players, parents or officials.  Know the rules, know the game and eagerly share your knowledge.  Avoid placing exaggerated importance on winning.  Stress the importance of teamwork, discipline and hard work.  Represent Eisenhower, your team and yourself in a professional and positive manner.   

Parents:  Treat each player with respect.  Let the coaches do the coaching.    Enjoy the game and applaud good play.  Encourage your player to have fun, which is vital in developing a healthy self image.  At home, stress the importance of practicing the skills of the game.  Stress the importance of teamwork and discipline to your players.  Avoid placing exaggerated importance on winning.  Address the coaches and officials with respect.  Demonstrate the ideals of good sportsmanship.  Lead by example. 

Players:  Treat your parents, coaches and teammates with respect.   Strive to have fun learning and playing the game.  Work hard and  play hard.  Control your emotions.  Work to be a team player.  Display good sportsmanship and discipline in games and at practice.  You are to refrain from taunting or fighting with an opponent or using foul language.  Learn the rules of the game from your coaches and teammates.  There is no need to address officials, players or opposing coaches or parents in a rude or demeaning way. Remember the importance of teamwork as there is no "I" in team.



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