Jun 4/24
12:36 am

London Bandits







SSELHA in conjunction with the City of London has put the following rules of conduct in place with penalties as outlined.



Verbal harassing or threatening any of the following person(s) will not be accepted; Rink Staff, Player(s) leaving ice or in lobby,  Bench staff,  Officials (referee, linesman, timekeeper)  parents, other spectators.


First time offence on arena property will have the person(s) involved,  reported to the arena staff and the city. If the offence is severe enough the person(s) may be ejected from the facility. All SSE parents who are involved in such incidents will be required to complete the respect in sport program online and supply proof to the SSELHA board that they have done so before being allowed to return to city facilities.

Second offence by any person will result in the person(s) being banned from the property and all other similar venues in London for the remainder of the season.


Physical contact with any player, coach, or official on any team or the rink staff will result in the person initiating the contact immediately being banned from the property and all other similar venues in London for the remainder of the season.

The police will be called in any cases of contact and charges may be initiated.


South Southeast London Hockey Association has been given the responsibility by the City of London for enforcing the above measures for all games and practices in city facilities. All penalties will be based on “Standard of Proof” during investigations and will be strictly enforced. If the panel determines, based on accepted, credible information, that the substantial weight of the evidence supports a particular finding, then such a finding is taken as fact. Any person failing to abide by the penalties assessed will be subject to the Trespass Act.


SSELHA Board of Directors.                              Revised October 15, 2011






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