Oct 19/24
8:52 am

Brasil Futbol Club
Livingston Soccer League






From the League

Parent Letter                       

Parent Notice         

Livinsgton Soccer Club Forms


Medical Information

From the Coaches

Dear Parents,

We look forward to a great season of soccer.  Although we would all love to win every game, the reality is that will not be the case.  In the meantime, cherish every game win or loose.  Take pride in what the kids accomplish.  Already this year, we see great strides in progress above the level of play last year. 

In addition to cheering our kids on, we may ask for your assistance during the game in other ways.  Each week, each team needs to supply 1 flag person.  Some weeks either one of us may not be available, and we may recruit you to help out on the bench.  Lastly, please keep an eye on the spectators side of the field.  If you believe anything is getting out of hand, please feel free to walk over and tell us.  Are other parents riding some kids too hard?  Maybe they are giving the ref a hard time?  You can always bring this to our attention, or ask a League Official in the Green Shirt to assist. 

Remember, these games are for fun, lets let the kids enjoy!


Coaches Harris and Ken


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