Date: Fri, Sep 16/05, 5:15pm
Location: Bethesda Park - Field #5
Athletics 00000--
Astros 40408--
Game Notes: Great game against a strong Atletics team! Everyone played great in the field tonight! Everyone had a hit tonight and looked awesome at the plate. Justin played a super first base and had 2 great hits to set up 2 big innings! Camden looked strong at the plate again and did a great job in the field! Joey had a hit and looked good in the field, he gets the gameball! Corbin hit a shot and also ran the bases like a pro. Austin played a strong shortstop and looked outstanding at the plate. Bailey did a great job behind the plate, and had a strong at bat. Brenna keeps hitting the ball and is dangerous anytime she's up. Zach had a big hit to keep the rally going again! Savion is a stud at third with an awesome putout in the third inning that saved the shutout. At the plate and on the bases Savion is a speedster who is fun to watch! Josh had another awesome game at the plate and playing pitcher who closed the door with some timely putouts to first to kill a possible Athetics rally. Specner hit a rope to center field at this first at bat and drove in 3 runs. Everyone did a fantastic job tonight! The coaches and Parents are so proud of you and everyone had fun! Lets keep the positive direction going and lets be ready for Sunday!
Go Astros!