Date: Wed, May 31/06, 6:00pm
Location: Mountain Park
Renegades 022113-18162
Dacula 21200-571
Game Notes: The Renegades get a wake-up call in their first GGBL pool-play game. Dacula led after each of the first three innings, before running out of pitching and giving up 13 runs in the last inning. The Renegades depth was evident by the end of the game.

On the hill, Patrick started and pitched two solid innings, giving way to Steven for the next two innings. Both pitchers were victimized by bloop hits and seeing-eye singles, but kept the team in the game until the bats rallied. Clint came on to finish the game with a no-hit inning.

The Renegades got homers from Nick, Michael, and Clint, with doubles by Patrick, Parker, and Nick. Overall Nick led with three hits, and Patrick, Brian, Lucas and Drew had two hits. Ryan and Steven also had singles. Clint led with 3 RBIs, with Michael, Lucas, Drew, Steven, Parker and Nick adding 2 RBIs each. Patrick and Nick both scored three runs in the game. The Renegades tallied nine stolen bases.