Jun 3/24
4:24 pm

Waconia Girls Rugby Club
The Gryphons





Posted Jun 2/12 - Off To State!!
The girls have done very well this season. They won a few and lost a few, and even "won" due to a forfeit. Even though we lost the last game, we are still in high spirits. We are currently in 6th place, but the girls are hoping for a higher placement in State on June 9th. With this weekend being graduation, the girls are hoping that a win at State could be a graduation gift. 


Posted May 2/12 - Another Win!
The girls won another game tonight against East Metro. That's 2 wins in a row!! All of the girls played extremely well, and there were minimal calls on our team. Only two people got pulled out of the game for injuries, but they did not seem too serious. One bumped head and one black eye. When the other team was pep-talking after we scored, they commented on how we were the hardest team they've played all season! Final score: 29-10


Posted Apr 25/12 - First Win!
Today the girls won their first game of the season! Their game was against Edina, and everyone did really well. It was a beautiful day, and a good amount of people came out to support the Gryphons. The final score was 31-5. Kelly scored two trys, Christine scored two trys, and Linny scored one try. Lindsay also made three of her five conversion kicks. The girls worked and played hard, and it showed and payed off. All of the girls showed great teamwork, and the other team was pretty nice as well. At the picnic after the game, it was one big group of rugby players, and the team lines disappeared. The girls were successful tonight, and will hopefully be in the games to come.


Posted Apr 21/12 - St. John's Tournament
Today the girls participated in the St. John's Tournament. Even though it was cold and rainy, it didn't seem to slow down the girls too much. They played two games; one against Edina and one against Orono. The first game was a close score, and the girls really tried hard. There was few injuries on either team... Just one broken nose on the opposing team. However, during the Orono game, the cold and rain was starting to get to the girls, which didn't mix well with their exhaustion. As hard as they tried, the other team had more energy. They hadn't played at all yet, and it showed. When they scored their only tri, they had a little party on the field. Alex Anderson, who scored the tri, was especially excited. However, at the end of the day, the girls were ready to go home and take a nice long warm shower.


Posted Apr 11/12 - First Rugby Game of the Season!!
Tonight the girls played their first game against Faribault. Tonight they learned an important lesson: Be aggressive. The second half seemed to go a lot better than the first; the girls seemed to know what to expect after playing for the amount of time they had in the first half. Even though the first half didn't go as well as they had planned, they still worked their hardest. We didn't leave the game empty handed though. The other team named Kelly Pingeon player of the game, and everyone on both teams got to know each other and had a good time after the game at the picnic. 


Posted Mar 26/12 - Scrimmage!
In about one week, the girls will be in their first scrimmage. This will be their first taste on an actual rugby game, and most of the girls are anxious yet excited.


Posted Feb 7/12 - The 2012 Season!
On Wednesday, February 8th, the girls will start their first official practice. After the first meeting last week, we found out that we gained a lot of new players. We only lost the girls who graduated last year, but their spots have been filled. The girls are very excited to start this new season!


Posted May 23/11 - First Win!
The game last Wednesday against Wayzata was our first win of the season! We won 15-0, and everyone played amazingly. It was also the first game that we played in nice weather. There were no major injuries, and everyone wasn't too horribly bruised. The backs got one of their plays to work very smoothly, and you could see the girls were excited by the way Buffy and Shiloh chest-bumped each other after the play. The next game the girls play is against Fairbault, then its off to State!


Posted Apr 28/11 - The Mud Game!
The game against Hastings on our home turf was the muddiest game we've played this year. Everyone was soaked head to toe in mud, and it didn't really help with the snow that started to fall towards the end of the game. But the snow and muddy ground didn't seem to stop the girls from playing their hardest. The girls were as tough as ever. Sure we tied at nothing, but the girls stopped at nothing to prevent the other team from scoring, and they succeeded. And because it was our first home game, we had a great turnout and a bunch of fans came to cheer on the girls, bundled up in blankets and holding umbrellas. The girls should be proud of what they accomplished, and are well on their way to a win.


Posted Apr 14/11 - Minnetonka Game!
Yesterday the girls played against Minnetonka  in their first official game. They lost 25-13. No one got seriously injured; everyone is just bruised and sore. Chaneen got the first tri, and you could tell that she was really excited, then Buffy did really well on kicking it through afterwards. Then everyone made some new friends when we went to eat sandwiches and cookies with the other team. Even though we lost, their spirits are still high; they are just as pumped for next week on April 20 to play against Rogers.


Posted Apr 4/11 - Rogers Tournament!!
This weekend the Rogers Tournament was a really fun time. We lost all four games against Rogers, Hastings, Wayzata, and Mounds View. There weren't too many serious injuries, just a pulled muscle and a kicked face (Kelsey). We were really proud of how well the girls were, especially since this was their first time on an actual field. It was fairly muddy, and the ground was hard, but the girls enjoyed it anyway. One of their favorite parts was sleeping in between the games ;) and snacking on miscellaneous foods. 


Posted Mar 27/11 - Practice Outside!!
We've finally started practice outside! The girls have been able to start practicing outside in the parking lot, kicking hard (and avoiding hitting the cars in the parking lot). The snow hasn't fully melted, so the girls can't start practicing on their home turf, but the girls don't seem to mind practicing rucks on mats and doing one-on-one scrums in the gym. The girls also have excited butterflies for their first scrimmage tomorrow in Long Lake, and some of the girls will get to experience their first game.


Posted Feb 27/11 - The Season has Started!!
The 2011 Rugby season has finally started! First practice was on February 6, and it was a huge success. The girls have been looking forward to practices on Sunday afternoons and Monday nights, and they are looking forward to actually getting outside to practice on the field. We had to miss a few practices due to weather, but the girls were ready to go the next practice. The games aren't for a while, but that leave plenty of time to get in shape for the first big game!


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