The Douglas Eagles have agreed on their New Head coach. Kwanzi Watts has accepted the position as Head coach of the Douglas Eagles.
On July 26th during the Eagles meeting Kwanzi Watts agreed on coaching the Eagles. The agreement helps the Eagles put things in gear for the upcoming season. Coach Watts brings some great playing experience to the Eagles. He has alot of passion for the game and is very knowledgeble of the game, especially the quaterback position. Coach Watts also holds numerous records at several colleges including University of Nebraska Omaha(UNO). He attended Coffee County High School and is part of the 97 class.
Coach Watts is very excited and really believes in the Eagles. He knows there is alot of talented on the team and believe that the Eagles can be contenders in the NIFL right away. He also shares the same vision as Bazell and Cox(Founders) for the Eagles. They all believe that the Eagles can be a huge thing in Douglas Ga wether it is working in the community or hosting a huge event.
Coach Kwanzi Watts
-Coffee High School QB- Class of 97
-South West Mississippi Community College QB- 1yr
-New Mexico Military Institute QB-1yr
-University Nebraska of Omaha QB-2yrs
-Omaha Beef(Indoor Football League) QB- 1yr
-Lincoln Lightning(AFL-2) QB- 1yr |