Jun 25/24
10:26 pm

Whalley Chiefs



N. Surrey

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Posted Aug 7/11 - Chiefs Fall Ball Program 2011
Surrey...The FV Chiefs will run a Fall Program at Whalley Athletic Park starting Wed.August 31st at 6PM.This is the time to register in person.Open to boys aged 13-17.The Program will be weather permitting and run through mid October with app.10-12 games planned with other PBL teams and also a Tournament in Yakima, Wash. September 23-4-5.Workouts will be each Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 9pm starting September 6th.Games will mostly be on the weekends.The Chiefs will have a staff of 6 qualified coaches and training staff throughout the fall period.The cost will be $199 which includes a Chiefs hat, game/practice top, baseballs, shared hotel accommodation, utility costs at Whalley and top instruction.Off season program details are being worked on now but count on Sport Starz and Cloverdale facilities as being used by the Chiefs.Any questions can be directed to Bryon Kennedy or any of the Chief contacts.Refer Schedule and Calendar tabs for more details.


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