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Winkler Minor Hockey




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Posted Aug 16/11 - Hockey/Power Skating Camp Offered in Winkler

Hey All,

After hearing that the Can Power program in Winkler has decided not to run a program this year, I have been approached by a few different people to offer a “hockey” alternative so that our kids can get a jumpstart on the season. So, after some thought I have decided to take on this challenge. I will be offering a 5 week program with 10 ice times for 4 different age groups. I will be offering a novice, atom, peewee and a high performance for bantam/midget players. The sessions will start the week of August 29th and run through until the last week in September. Each session will be run in Winkler at the Winkler Arena and will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays for 1 hour each. (session times may vary but each group will get 2 or 3 sessions  per week depending on the week). I also may be adding a pre-novice group after minor hockey registration if there is enough interest.


My goal will be to help your kids and my kids learn and practice proper skating techniques, along with developing puck handling skills, while getting some conditioning as a bonus. Each session will be broken into 20 minutes of skating, 20 minutes of puck handling and 20 minutes of different games that will be used to condition the kids. (This is a guideline and may change depending on the different group’s needs) As this is a very recent development, I have not had a chance to line up any other help yet.  However, I anticipate having some help from Winkler Minor Hockey coaches, some ex Winkler Flyers and also some current Plum Coulee Xpress, Winkler Flyers and Morden Redskin players. I have had quite a bit of experience coaching, not only for WMH but I have also have run summer ice sessions for the last 3 years and prior to that I helped run the Winkler Bible Camp hockey school. I have been involved in coaching hockey either at hockey camps, minor hockey and senior hockey for the last 15 years and feel that I have a lot of knowledge that I would like to pass on to the younger age groups. The cost for the camp will be $125 per kid per kid however if you have more than 1 kid from your family signed up then it would only be $100 per kid. I am opening this up to kids that play minor hockey in Winkler until Wednesday  August 24, 2011 and then it will become open to any kids from the Pembina Valley that wish to come. Once I have confirmed the number of kids attending I will send an email out to all that have registered with the schedule for the whole camp. Space will be limited to 25  skaters and 4 goalies per session.  However, if the demand exceeds that, then I may consider running 2 groups in the same age group. You can register by sending me an email at .





Jeremy Matuszewski


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