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10:37 am

Kildonan Mudcats




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Posted Oct 30/09 - Leslie and Carey Candy pitch in for the Krykewich family

Club Director and family respond to outpouring of support.

Further to the posting on the team's home page, the Club wishes to thank Carey Candy and his wife Leslie. They have taken it upon themselves to gather contributions of all kinds from the Giants family for the benefit of the Krykewich family. They can be reached at 233-4062 or via e-mail.

The Krykewich family has responded to the show of support with this message:

October 24, 2009

Hello Everyone:

Please accept this note as a thank you for your gifts of gratitude that were collected by Leslie Candy.

Catherine and I were not aware that Leslie was collecting any funds for us. We were surprised to receive the gifts, but want to ensure that we are accepting them in good faith - as we are not in any financial difficulty.

Having said that, a financial gift, is always a lovely gift, and Catherine and I have talked about how we could best use these funds in a meaningful way. We have decided that the funds collected by Lesley will be used in the future to help fund an insulin pump for Alexander.

Finally, to all of you, please keep in contact through email and phone; it is uplifting to hear your voices and receive your messages. Those things are the most valuable to us. We appreciate all your love and concern during this difficult time.


Mike and Catherine

Photo: Mike Krykewich


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