Jul 17/24
10:24 am

Kildonan Mudcats




Member of the W S B L

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Posted Feb 21/13 - February 22 Field Modernization Announcement at the Elmwood Legion

Everyone is invited to attend the event.



The Club has been seeking funding from various levels of government in order to proceed with field improvements estimated at $265,000. This announcement will allow the Giants family and the public to learn about the nature of the changes and the funding we have recently secured.

The project, if fully funded, will include the following changes:

  • upgrading the current "press box" to be an elevated structure behind home plate
  • adding a permanent storage facility down the third base line
  • adding a canopied area near the storage facility
  • upgrades to the main grandstands (including a realignment)

The Club has other plans that may or may not be included in this year's project depending on the final funding figures.

The "official" gathering will start at 2 PM and continue until the announcement is complete. Everyone is invited to join the Executive members in attendance afterward for refreshments and discussion of what the changes will mean to the Club, the teams we operate, future tournaments and the teams that are guests at our facility.

Please spread the word to all Club alumni and others who might be interested in attending with us.

We hope to see you there!



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