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Winkler Minor Hockey




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Posted Jun 29/15 - Important Information on Upcoming Changes for the 2015-2016 Minor Hockey Season

Hello All,

As you may know, Hockey Canada has mandated two relatively significant changes for the 2015-2016 hockey season.  These two items include a Respect in Sport for Parents initiative and the requirement for all minor hockey associations to register players through their Hockey Canada Online Registration System.          


  1. The Respect in Sport for Parents motion is outlined as follows:

Certification of this online educational course for parents must be obtained by at least one parent or legal guardian of any minor hockey player on a Hockey Manitoba roster by November 1st. Should certification not be obtained by November 1st, the minor hockey player will be ineligible to participate in any hockey Manitoba sanctioned activity until one parent or legal guardian is certified.”


From Hockey Manitoba:

Respect in Sport for Parents

The Respect in Sport for Parents is an effective and informative online training program for parents of active children. This unique certification program compliments Respect in Sport for Coaches/Activity Leaders by reinforcing a parents role in a child or youth's activities, encouraging positive sport behaviors, and providing insight into the various roles other individuals (such as coaches and officials) play. This program empowers parents to ensure the safety of their children, encourage positive and effective communication, and to enhance a child's fun and camaraderie of the activity.

Why Hockey Manitoba has implemented the Respect in Sport for Parents?

  1. It further ensures your commitment to your number 1 priority: safety for participants
    2. It enhances communication between parents and organization staff, coaches, officials, etc.
    3. It helps our organization, staff and volunteers to mitigate liability
    4. It provides parents supplementary knowledge about preparing a young athlete for practices, games and other activities
    5. Helps to retain recreation leaders, coaches, officials and volunteers
    6. It makes a values based statement on behalf of our organization to ALL stakeholders

For your convenience, the link to complete this requirement is found below:

Respect in Sport for Parents Link:


  1. The Hockey Canada Online Registration System and how it affects Winkler Minor Hockey

Each player in Winkler Minor Hockey must now be registered through the Hockey Canada Online Registration System.  This change, coupled with the requirement to get our registration numbers for the upcoming season in at an earlier time frame, has necessitated that we change our registration process for Winkler Minor Hockey.  The registration process now requires that we each register our children through the Hockey Canada Online Registration System.  This is something of a time sensitive issue, and the sooner the player is registered, the easier it is for Winkler Minor and Pembina Valley Minor Hockey in many organizational capacities.  For your convenience and, while not mandatory, there is a payment option on the website for the upcoming season if you so choose.  We will continue to have a registration night prior to the start of the season for those deciding later to sign up.  Payment for a player being registered online now will also be accepted at that time.  Information and tips on the registration process will be provided by Dave Schellenberg, Registrar of Winker Minor Hockey.


Also:  The RIS Parent Program is separate from the RIS Coach/Manager certification and must be completed regardless of whether you have taken the RIS Coach certification in the past.  It is supposed to  take about 1 hour to complete and the cost is $12 plus GST.  Please make sure to add all of your children (who will be registering for hockey) to your RIS Parent Program profile.


Thank you,


Robert Toews


Winkler Minor Hockey



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