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Monthly Newsletter of the Regional Development Football League




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Posted Jan 29/16 - 2017 Schedule dates



2017 Schedule dates

Spring Season Six week mandatory conditioning program starts January 28 and will end March 11th the season will start April 8 other dates are April 22-29 with the off date being May 14th  May-6-20-27 and wrap up June 3-10-17 the international game will be played June 24th .

The Fall season conditioning cycle begins June 3rd ending July 8th and the class room development season will open July 29 and continue August-6-13-20-27 the off date will be September 3rd and return to play the four game season September-10-17-24- and wrap up the season ending with the international game played October-22. But this could be adjusted to just a four game international games schedule. The RDFL plays two seasons in order to lineup with international leagues each season will consist of teams of 48 players .The international games will be the highlight of the season as RDFL players find out how they matchup verses players from other country's playing American style football. RDFL international team will compete in the 2016 World Championships a win there would be an outstanding building block for the first group of junior players.

The four team academy when three other academy programs come on line and completed will play six in league games and three seasonal friendly games verses the best competition that can be scheduled, against some of the top level semi pro teams around the nation, we feel that the cottage industry of semi pro level teams will offer too benefits one being those young players participating on semi pro teams within the academy profile can experience what the academy has to offer if they can meet the combine standards of prospect or pro ready player  profile within the academy institute, secondly some of the top level semi pro teams have small community support which could help build a national support footprint over time on the grassroot level over a five year period. Being that the RDFL is not a commerical enterprise information gathered over this time will help determine any future growth opportunities that an academy can possibly consider as future locations if the concept is proven to be viable, which would only consist of four more academy programs bringing the league too 8 within Ten years again only if the concept with adjustments alone the way when needed is shown to be a viable model. 

A new 2500 seat stadium under construction has a completion date of early 2017 the multiple use facility features turf and will sell beer the academy team will be one of the organizations using the complex, while currently operating the official announcement of the academy will be held in summer 2016 and could play a full schedule of friendly games or a short season and the international game for 2017 as the league is built into four academy teams.



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