Posted Sep 20/10 - Career Opportunites Sales Marketing Representatives
The georgia Raider sare seeking talented, energetic and people of character to fill openings for internships and sales representatives.
Sales Representatives We are seeking commission based Sales Representatives to sell sponsorships and advertising opportunities for the 2011 season. Contact Corey Simmons at for details.
Georgia Raiders Internship Program: The Georgia Raiders is constantly looking for highly motivated, self-starters to fill internship positions year round. The Georgia Raiders Internship Program allows students to learn how a professional sports team operates with hands-on experience. Interns will have the chance to work in all aspects of the organization, thus allowing them to see what they like and don’t like about working for a professional sports team. Interns will be expected to work non-traditional hours, including weekends and holidays on an as needed basis. All internships are unpaid. Internship Responsibilities will include, but not be limited to: Establishing and maintaining sales database Sales calls (season tickets & groups) Writing press releases and articles for website Game day operations Attending promotional events Maintaining website Dressing up as Mascot
To apply for an internship positions with the Raiders, please send a cover letter, resume and references to: