2017 WBBC Board
Varsity Head Coach: Bob Domach
President: Linda Weyker
Vice-President: Sara Zimdars
Secretary: Pattie Miller
Treasurer: Janet Zausch
The Warrior Boys Basketball Club (WBBC) was formed in 2017 to better link the youth and middle school programs with the high school program. It is our focus to combine our smaller programs to make one large program with everyone working together so that there is a smooth transition from youth to high school basketball.
Our efforts will be to promote and strive for improvements in boys basketball and academics by providing support to reach individual and team goals. We will also encourage and recognize high standards of academics and sportsmanship.
Through fundraising, primarily Cookie Dough sales at this time, we are able to defray costs of things such as this website, the HUDL film program, uniforms and practice equipment, camps and tournaments.
The Cookie Dough Fundraiser will begin in January. All players in youth, middlle & high school are asked to participate. More information will be given out at a later date.