Lower Mainland Baseball Association

Policies and Playing Rules





  1. The Association shall offer play in three leagues, namely “18 and Over” and “30 and Over” and “45 and Over” providing there are a minimum of 4 teams at each level.  A player may play down in age category if so desired.
  2. For the 18+ division, players need to have turned at least 19 within the current calendar year.     

For the 30+ division, players need to have turned at least 30 within the current calendar year.     

For the 45+ division, players need to have turned at least 44 within the current calendar year

Financial Policies

  1. All teams entering the Lower Mainland Baseball Association are required to meet financial commitments as set by the membership.
  2. A portion of the league fees will be in the form of a performance bond.
    1. Deductions will be made from team performance bonds to cover any fines incurred by individual teams.
    2. Teams exceeding their performance bond during the season will be required to submit additional funds as determined by the LMBA Executive.
    3. At the conclusion of the playing season, teams will be remitted amounts remaining in their performance bond fund.
Lower Mainland Baseball Association Playing Rules and Policies


  1. Rules for the Association’s games will be those stated in the Canadian Federation ofAmateur Baseball (C.F.A.B.) and amendments thereto. Any exceptions, additions, or changes to C.F.A.B. rules shall be noted in the LMBA Playing Guide. 


Section 1-Philosophy


Playing Rules and Policies are intended for the purposes of:

  1. Keeping the game fun and enjoyable for all players regardless of their ability.
  2. Ensuring the game proceeds properly and with a consideration of time.
  3. Ensuring all players make contributions to their team.  Some players may be “more equal” and receive more playing time.  Managers should be informative to those “unequal” players.  Proper understanding of this factor is an important responsibility of managing a team.
  4. Playing rules of the LMBA are designed to maximize participation.  Winning is important but not everything.
  5. Playing rule amendments are designed to emphasize the recreational nature of the LMBA


Section 2 – Team Rosters


  1. A team roster shall consist of a manager and coach(es) and active players.  The roster shall consist of a minimum of 12 players and a maximum of 20 players.
    1. Teams shall submit a minimum roster (12 players) before the start of the league schedule.  Failure to do so may result in application of league discipline policies or game cancellations
    2. Each team is allowed a maximum of three players registered in the Pacific Metro Senior Men’s League on their roster each season.
      1. Players completing their playing seasons in other leagues are not eligible to play in the LMBA.  College   players may play in the LMBA providing their active season has been completed.
  2. Multi-Divisional Players – The LMBA will allow age appropriate players to play in more than one division.  These players must register in both divisions.  To be eligible for playoffs, these players must play in a minimum of six regular season games – no exceptions granted.
  3. Emergency Players – Teams with low roster numbers may add “pick-up” players from other LMBA teams providing the players are age appropriate.  The only restriction is that the player may not appear as a pitcher.  Pick up players from Senior Men’s teams, active college teams, or BC Minor teams should not be used.
  4. Players released by teams in other baseball leagues during the playing season must apply to the Executive of the LMBA for permission to play.
  5. Players not residing in British Columbia are ineligible to play in the LMBA.  LMBA players who move outside the province and wish to continue playing in the LMBA should make application to the LMBA Executive.
  6. A player may be picked up on an emergency basis by another league for a maximum of three games.  The LMBA Executive must receive written notification.
  7. LMBA players are allowed to play in tournaments in other leagues without restrictions.
  8. Baseball BC Female Development Program

Commencing with the 2018 baseball season the Lower Mainland Baseball Association will work cooperatively with Baseball BC to further the development of female baseball in British Columbia.  The following policies have been included to facilitate the participation of female players in the Lower Mainland Baseball Association.

  1. Individual female players who are age appropriate are permitted to register with individual LMBA teams.  During this process they must acknowledge the LMBA Waiver of Liability and the Code of Conduct.
  2. Female players under 19 years of age playing on BC Minor baseball teams or on teams belonging to the Pacific Metro Baseball League must apply to the LMBA Board of Directors for permission to play in the LMBA.
  3. The LMBA Board of Directors will determine the appropriate division level if a female team is formed.  For the 2018 season the Board has determined that entry will be in the 45+ Division.
  4. The Board realizes that not all players on the team will be age appropriate.  Players 18+ years of age will be permitted to play on this team.
  5. Requests for development or prospect players under the age of 18+ must apply to the LMBA to play on the team and it is recommended that they be used in situations of low rosters.  Such players must have the consent of Baseball BC and their minor baseball teams/leagues.  Players must register using the Lower Mainland Baseball Association’s website acknowledging the Waiver of Liability and Code of Conduct.
  6. Regular female players on LMBA teams  and under age female players will be verified by Baseball B.C. and covered under the LMBA’s Accident and Liability policy.
  7. If applicable, parental permission for under age players will be required.
  8. Under age female players will not be permitted to play in the LMBA’s 18+ or 30+ Divisions unless application is made to the LMBA’s Board of Directors. 
  9. The LMBA Board of Directors in conjunction with Baseball BC will amend policies related to the female development program and its involvement in the LMBA.


  1. The Executive of the LMBA will have the final decision regarding player eligibility.


Section 3 - Registration

All LMBA players, managers, coaches, and Executive members must register using the online format found on the league’s website page.  Registrants must complete required information fields and they must acknowledge the Waiver of Liability and the Code of Conduct.

Team managers are responsible for ensuring that all players are registered prior to the start of the season.

  1. All players must register before playing in a league game.  All players, managers, and coaches must be registered by April 1st.  The online registration system will remain open until August 1st.
  2. Team managers are asked to check their team rosters on the LMBA home page prior to the start of the season.
  3. Two individual player registration forms are contained in the team handbook for emergency situations. Players registering at the field will need to do an online registration to confirm the paper transaction.
  4. Players registered during the season must register before making a playing appearance.
  5. Teams using unregistered players are in contravention of LMBA policies and accept full liability for any issues arising from their situation.  Team managers are also liable for any violations of this policy.
  6. Teams may not sign any players after August 1st.


Section Four - Eligibility

In order for an individual to be eligible to participate in league play-offs, a player shall have appeared in six LMBA regular league games or half the team’s completed regular season games, whichever is the least.  Players who are injured and are unable to participate in the required number of games may appear in the play-offs upon application by their teams to the Executive.  The Executive shall have the final decision in these matters.


  1. Team managers are to keep a cumulative record of games played by each player.  This form will be distributed at the start of the season.  This form must be presented, along with team scorebook at the official play-off meeting.


  1. No player may transfer to another team during the playing season without notice to and approval of the LMBA Executive.


           (C)  Ineligible Players – Teams using ineligible players are compromising LMBA insurance requirements.

                  (D) Teams having concerns about eligible players can make a pr

(E)    LMBA will suspend such players, forfeit any game results and fine the offending team.

(F) It is recommended that all teams carry copies of their team rosters to games.


Section 5 – Playing Facilities


  1. Home teams are to ensure the field is properly prepared and ready at game time.  Both teams are responsible for cleaning their dugouts and stands at the conclusion of the game.  Failure to adhere to these rules will result in fines or discipline.
  2. Prior to each game, the home team shall inspect the field for safety issues and a record of these facility inspections shall be kept on the Safety form in the LMBA scorebook.
  3. All LMBA teams are to play on facilities properly allotted to member teams or to the league.  Facilities for which allotments have not been obtained are not to be used.  It is further recommended that all teams ensure they have allotments for practice purposes.


Section 6 – Equipment


  1. Baseballs – Each team is to supply the umpire with three game balls.  Game balls shall be major league designated baseballs.  Failure to supply game balls shall result in a fine of $5.00 per ball.  In the event of extraordinary conditions teams may need to supply additional baseballs to complete the game as a matter of safety.  Teams may apply to the Executive to have these baseballs replaced.
  2. Bats – The LMBA is a wooden bat league.  Wood or wood-composite bats are the only recognized bats permitted.
  3. LMBA allows metal spikes or plastic cleats.
  4. Uniforms – it is required that teams be in uniforms.  Uniforms should include matching tops with numbers, hats and baseball pants.  First offense for non-conforming appearance, $20.00 fine doubling thereafter.

(1) For new players, every effort is to be made to have the player in proper uniform.

(2) All teams should have extra sweat shirts matching team colors.

(3) Persistent problems are to be brought to the attention of the Executive.

  1. All batters and base runners must wear a protective helmet with two ear flaps.  Players not wearing a batting helmet with two ear flaps will be ejected from the game.
  2. Catchers must be properly equipped with their own protective gear.  It shall not be shared with the opposing team except in case of emergency.


Section 7 – Length of Play


  1. At present, the LMBA is a recreational league and normal playing days are on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.  Holiday weekends may be used at the discretion of the member teams. Circumstances may cause games to be scheduled on days other than our normal playing days.  Home teams must ensure they have proper allocation permission to use the fields.
  2. A game shall consist of nine innings provided the last inning begins before 2:40.  No new inning shall begin after this time.  In the event of a tie game after nine innings, extra innings may be played providing they begin before 2:40.  Games extending into playing time of waiting teams shall be stopped and the result dealt with by the Executive.
    1. 18+ Division: There is no run limit in any inning.
    2. 30+ Divisions: All innings will have a ten run limit except for the last inning which is an open inning.
    3. 45+ Division: All innings will have a five run limit with the last inning open. EXCEPTION: An over the fence home run shall count in full, which means the team on offense could score a maximum of 8 runs in an inning.
  3. LMBA Mercy Rule - Starting with the 2019 season, a league wide (all divisions) mercy rule will be in effect.  There is a ten run rule after 7 innings (61/2 innings if the home team is ahead.  For seven inning games there will not be a mercy rule in effect.
  4. Games postponed due to inclement weather or field unsuitability will be rescheduled subject to the availability of playing facilities.  Postponement is the responsibility of the managers and/or umpires involved.  Be aware that potential damage to playing facilities or possibility of player injury takes precedence over playing in order to complete the game.


Section 8 – Commencement of Play


  1. Games will not be delayed for late players.  Eight players must be present at game time.
  2. A team shall be permitted to play with eight players.  The ninth spot in the batting order shall be an automatic out.
  3. Prior to the start of the game a line-up card must be presented to the umpire, opposing manager and scorekeeper.  Full names (first and last) shall be written on the line up along with proper uniform number.  Both teams should supply a scorekeeper.  It is not the umpire’s responsibility to keep score.
  4. Include all eligible players on the line-up regardless of attendance at game time, as some may arrive late.  Do not, however, include player’s names if you know they are not attending.



Section 9 – Line-up rules


All Divisions except where noted


  1. Teams may follow either (a) a nine man batting order with proper re-entry provisions, or (b) a batting order of more than nine players with proper re-entry provisions or (c) a “bat everyone” order (d) “Add-on” provision – players may be added at the bottom of the order but the spot must be maintained for the duration of the game. (e) In the 45+ Division, teams must bat twelve players if numbers are present.  Teams may match orders if one team has less than twelve players.  Batting orders may incorporate provisions (a) to (d) if more than twelve players are present.
  1. The choice of batting order shall be indicated before the start of the game to the umpires and the opposing manager.  The choice must be adhered to throughout the game.
  2. Batting order line-ups shall be properly filled out.  Each player’s first and last name shall be entered and uniform numbers should be included.  Managers and coaches must also be listed and identified on the line-up.


  1. Designated Batter – In all divisions it is permitted to have ONE designated batter.  This batter does not need to appear defensively during a game.  This batter needs to be reported to the umpires and to the opposing manager prior to the start of the game.


  1. Designated Pitcher – Teams in all divisions will be permitted to use ONE pitcher who must be designated before the game starts.  The pitcher does not need to make a batting appearance and is exempt from the three inning defense rule.


  1. Non-Runner
  1. 18+ and 30+ Divisions

One player may be declared a non-runner (NR) prior to the game.This designation must be entered on the line-up cards submitted to the umpires and opposing manager.The player must be replaced by the last recorded out.

  1. 45+ Division

A maximum of two courtesy runners can be declared on the starting batter order submitted at start of game. One additional courtesy runner can be declared during the game.


  1. Injured Players (Offense) – may be replaced with (a) substitute not already used – in this case, the substitute assumes the injured player’s position in the batting order and must bat at least once before the injured player can return. (b) If all substitutes have batted, a player no longer in the batting order may assume the injured player’s spot and the injured player may not return for the duration of the game.  (c) If a team has only nine players, the manager or coach may enter the game provided they have signed a proper league registration form.  (d) If an injury or ejection results in a team being left with eight players, they may complete the game.  The empty batting spot shall be declared an automatic out.  (e) In a “bat everyone” order, the batting position shall remain vacant without an out being declared.  The injured player may not return to the order. (f) The first ejected player shall be treated as an injured player for batting purposes.  If a second player is ejected, and all substitutes have been used, the game is a forfeit and umpires shall terminate the game.


  1. Catchers – (runners) may be replaced with two outs.  The replacement shall be the last recorded out. Teams not replacing the catcher are required to warm up their pitcher while the catcher is putting on his equipment.  The player catching the warm up must wear a mask.  The pitcher shall not exceed the allowed number of warm up pitches.


(G) Bodily Fluids Rule (Blood)

(1) Any player during a game who is bleeding or who has an open wound, shall be removed from the field of play by the umpires. The player may return to the game only after the bleeding has stopped and the affected or open wound has been completely and securely covered to the satisfaction of the umpires.

(2) Should the same player start bleeding again or the affected area shows signs of bleeding, the umpires may remove the player for the duration of the game.

(3) Should any blood be on the players uniform, it must be cleaned to the satisfaction of the umpire prior to the player returning to the game.

(4) The substitute player is only a courtesy player until the original player returns.

(5) If a pitcher, while pitching, suffers an injury referred to in paragraph (a) above, the umpire will call a courtesy time for no longer than fifteen (15) minutes. If the pitcher cannot return in this time a pitching change must be made.

(6) Should a team only have eight players available at the time of an injury referred to in paragraph (a) above a courtesy time will be called for no longer than fifteen (15) minutes. If the affected player is unable to return after this time then the game will be forfeited.


Section 10 – Pitching Rules


  1. A pitcher shall be limited to a maximum of 5 consecutive innings.  The rule shall apply to both starting and relieving pitchers.  One pitch thrown constitutes a full inning.  Once a pitcher is removed from that position, he may not re-enter the game as a pitcher.  He may appear elsewhere in the defensive line up after pitching. Teams in all three LMBA divisions may use ONE designated pitcher – the player does not need to bat or appear defensively once his pitching assignment is completed. The pitcher must be designated prior to the start of the game.  All pitchers shall be subject to following the accepted rules for pitchers including appearance and equipment.
  2. In the event of a double header between two teams where each game is scheduled for seven innings, a pitcher can either pitch continuously for one complete game, or a maximum of five innings per day if not continuous.
  3. Pitchers using illegal motions will be warned.  Repetition of such illegalities will result in removal from the game.
  4. Pitchers are expected to observe accepted forms of delivery.
  5. Pitchers using illegal substances or applying them to the ball will be removed from the game and be subject to league discipline procedures.
  6. The pitcher is a defensive player and may or may not appear in the batting order.  In the event of injury to the pitcher, his substitute must be allowed reasonable time to warm up.  Depending upon the situation, the umpire may add time to the playing time limit.
  7. A maximum of five warm up pitches is permitted between innings. Relief pitchers may receive 10 warm up pitches.


Section 9 – Defense

  1. The LMBA has a policy of unlimited fielding substitution.  Substitution is open but all players shall play a minimum of three innings in a defensive capacity.  This includes any substitute declared at the start of the game as eligible for entering the line-up to bat.  A player may be playing defensively but not be present in the batting order.
  2. Gloves worn by defending players shall be appropriate for their position.
  3. Defensive players must not block their base until they have possession of the ball.
  4. Anti-crash rule


  1. Defensive players must not block their bases until in possession of the ball. FAKE TAGS are not allowed – Umpires may apply obstruction rules and/or eject a defensive player if his actions endanger the offensive player.


  1. A runner is required to avoid a collision with a fielder making a tag unless the fielder is completely blocking the base. If a collision does occur, it is interference if the runner could have avoided the collision, intended to dislodge the ball, or makes flagrant contact. If the collision is flagrant, the runner is also ejected. A runner advancing on a force to a base where a play is being made must slide directly into the base or move away from the fielder. If he slides to the side of the base in the direction of the fielder, it is interference and an automatic double play (with less than 2 outs), even if the double play was no longer possible.


Section 10 – Playing Time

  1. Due to the recreational nature of the LMBA, rule amendments have been included to facilitate maximum playing time for its members.  All players must receive one official batting appearance and a minimum of three innings of defensive play.


  1. Failure to give attending players one official batting appearance will result in forfeit of the game and a $50.00 fine if the offending team wins or ties the game, or a $100.00 fine if the offending team loses the game.


  1. Clear violations of the minimum defense rule may result in a fine after review by the Executive.


  1. Play-off games should be tracked by both teams.  Failure to have all players receive minimum batting appearances will result in game forfeiture.  Clear violations of defensive appearance may result in forfeiture.



  1. League championship games will be tracked by official scorekeepers.  Violations of minimum batting or defensive requirements will result in forfeiture.


  1. Playing time for individual players shall be influenced by the player fulfilling team obligations.



Section 11 – Umpires


  1. All games will be allocated two umpires – one for home plate and one for bases.  If only one umpire is present, he will receive 75% of the total game fee.
  2. Teams responsible for forfeits must cover the umpire fees for that game.  Such payments will be deducted from team performance bonds.
  3. Umpires are to be treated with respect and league members displaying poor conduct towards umpires will be subject to league discipline.  Team managers are the only individuals permitted to speak to umpires.
  4. In the event of ejections or incidents, umpires are required to submit reports to BCBUA and the LMBA’s Deputy Commissioner within 24 hours. This report may be made in writing or via e-mail.
  5. If you have a complaint about an umpire, talk respectfully to him, your manager, or the LMBA Executive.
  6. Concerns about umpires should be directed to the LMBA Umpire Allocator.
  7. Umpires are responsible for terminating or cancelling games if they consider these procedures necessary.


Section 12 – Game Results

Team managers are responsible for recording game results and reporting them along with any problems or concerns.

(A)The game result shall be reported to the LMBA web master by both teams within 72 hours.  Second and subsequent failures to communicate results will result in a fine of $20.00 assessed against a team’s performance bond.

(B) Any team that has had a member ejected during a game must have the manager submit a report to the Deputy Commissioner within 48 hours of the Ejection.  The report may be made in writing or via e-mail.  Failure to do so will result in a fine to be paid out of the Team’s Performance Bond.

(C)Umpire concerns should be reported to the LMBA Umpire Allocator.  This includes the non-appearance of umpires.

(D)Managers are responsible for recording all LMBA games in a scorebook.  Lack of such recording may affect decisions regarding player eligibility. 

(E)Cancelled games must be reported to the LMBA web master and Umpire Allocator.  The LMBA Schedule Allocator, in consultation with the non-cancelling team shall determine a date, time, and location for the re-scheduled game. In the event the game is unable to be completed, the team initiating the cancellation shall be assessed a loss in the league standings and the opponents will be awarded the win.

(F) Cancelled Games – 45+ Division

"1. In the event a scheduled regular season game is cancelled due to:

a) Weather;

b) Unforeseeable circumstances affecting home field playing conditions/availability; or

c) Inability of either team to field the minimum number of players (8),

d) Other reasons that don’t allow a game to take place such as lack of umpires,

2. The Home team will have four calendar days from the date of the cancelled game to supply

the Visiting team with two makeup dates. The Visiting team then has two calendar days

choose one of the two proposed dates and advise the Home team.

3. The game will be considered a forfeit to the Home team if:

a) The Visiting team does not advise the Home team of the makeup date it selects within

two calendar days of being provided the proposed makeup dates by the Home team, or

b) The Visiting team is unable to field the minimum number of players(8) on the makeup


4. The game will be considered a forfeit to the Visiting team if:

a) The Home team does not supply the Visiting team with two makeup dates within four

calendar days from the date of the cancelled game, or

b) The Home team is unable to field the minimum number of players  (8) on the makeup


5. If the game is cancelled on the makeup date due to a) Weather, b) Unforeseeable

circumstances affecting home field playing conditions/availability, or Other reasons that

don’t allow a game to take place such as lack of umpires, then the process for rescheduling

will begin as per point 2 above."



Section 13 – League Championship Play-Offs

(A)Play-offs shall be arranged at the conclusion of the regular season.  Each division will involve a maximum of 8 teams.

(1) If there are more than eight teams in a division, a preliminary round will be scheduled during the week before the commencement of the regular play-off schedule.  In the event these games cannot be scheduled, the top eight teams in each division shall form the play-off pools.

(B)Positions for participation in the play-offs shall be determined by final placings during the regular season.

(1)18+ Division: In the event of a tie in final standings, the tie shall be broken by

            1.  Team wins in standings.

  1. Results of head to head competition during the regular season
  2. Defensive runs in head to head games

4Coin toss.

  1. 30+ Division:
    1. Results of head to head competition during the regular season
    2. Run differential (F/A) in head to head games.
    3. Coin toss


  1. 45+ division: In the event of a tie in the final standings, the tie shall be broken by
    1. most wins
    2. least runs allowed versus each team involved in the tie
    3. runs scored less runs allowed against each involved team


(C)The Executive will determine the sites for all play-off games.  For the first round, all play-off games shall be played at the home park of the highest seeded team. If this park is not available, the Executive will determine the park to be used.


(D)All teams participating in the play-offs must submit playing rosters a meeting prior to the games.  The Executive shall determine the eligibility of all players.

  1. Game length:
    1. 18+ and 30+ divisions: Play-off games shall be nine innings without time limit.  Extra innings may be played to determine a winner.  Regular season run maximums remain in place.  All other LMBA rules are in effect.
    2. 45+ Division: Play-off games shall be nine innings without time limit. The five run rule is in effect for the first eight innings.  The ninth inning and any extra innings are “open innings.” All other LMBA rules are in effect.


Section 14 – Behaviour and Discipline

  1. Due to the recreational nature of the LMBA, intense forms of behaviour are not expected.  The LMBA expects its players, managers, Executive, and spectators to exhibit a co-operative spirit of conduct and sportsmanship at all times.
  2. The LMBA has a Code of Conduct which outlines accepted and non-accepted forms of behavior.  All players must acknowledge the Code of Conduct when registering online.
  3. The purpose of the LMBA is to have fun, accepting we are adults and can appreciate decisions are not always perfect.
  4. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the field or in the parking lots before, during or after games.  Teams are encouraged to select appropriate places for consumption of alcoholic beverages.  Failure to comply with this rule will result in fines, discipline or expulsion for offending players or teams.
  5. The LMBA shall not permit smoking in the dugouts or on the playing field before or during games.


  1. Ejections


  1.  Upon review of both the Umpire’s and Manager’s reports, the Deputy Commissioner will initiate the following process:


  • Render a Discipline Ruling including any suspensions/fines.  The Deputy Commissioner can fine offenders up to $100 and suspend them for up to 3 games.
  • If the offence is considered serious or it is determined that the resulting penalty may exceed the Deputy Commissioner’s limits, he will convene a Discipline Committee made up of himself and 2 LMBA executives.  The Discipline Committee will then render a Discipline Ruling on suspensions/fines.  Serious incidences may include, but are not limited to fighting, abuse of umpires, intent to injure, and gross misconduct.
  • All Discipline Rulings will be communicated to the alleged offender’s manager via e-mail prior to the alleged offender’s next game.    
  • Managers will be responsible for administering any suspensions and settling any fines with the league.





Once notified of the Discipline Ruling, a Manager can file an Appeals Notice.  The Appeals Notice must be submitted to the Deputy Commissioner within 48 hours of receiving the Discipline Ruling.


Depending on the seriousness of the incident, a decision by the Deputy Commissioner or Discipline Committee will be made whether or not an alleged offender will be permitted to manager or play while the Appeal is being heard.  This will be communicated to the alleged offender in the Discipline Ruling.


Note:  Any appeals that are not successful will result in 1 game added to the original suspension.  Managers must consider the consequences of failed appeals prior to their Appeals Notice submissions.


(D) Appeals Process:

  1. An Appeals Notice is submitted to the Deputy Commissioner. If the appeal concerns suspensions/fines of 3 games or less or fines of $100 or less, the Deputy Commissioner will assemble a committee of three Executive members.  None of the members may be part of the division in which the appeal is being made.
  2. If the appeal concerns suspensions/fines of 3 games or less, or fines of $100 or less, appeals must be made in writing.
  3. All appeals will be heard within 1 week of the Appeals Notice being submitted.
  4. The Appeals Committee will render a decision on the Appeal.  This decision is final.
  5. Appeals of suspensions greater than three games or fines greater than $100 for discipline incidents must be filed within 48 hours.  If possible, an in-person hearing will be set up.  This will include three members of the LMBA Executive who were not part of the original decision. 


(E) Process for Discipline other than Ejections


Anyone, including an executive member that feels discipline is in order for a team or participant may submit a complaint to the Deputy Commissioner.  The Deputy Commissioner will inform the alleged offender of the compliant and offer the opportunity for the offender to reply.


Once all information is received by the Deputy Commissioner, the same process for handling ejections will be followed.



(F) Protests


If a protest is based on an interpretation of the LMBA playing rules or bylaws, the objecting manager must at the time the play occurs, notify the head umpire and the opposing manager that the game is being played under protest, and submit the protest in writing or by e-mail to the Deputy Commissioner within 48 hours of the completion of the game.


Umpires should make a public announcement to the crowd when a game is being played under protest.


Once a Protest has been received, the Deputy Commissioner will:


  • Convene a Protest Committee comprised of the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Registrar.  In the event one of the members is involved in the protest, they must not participate on the committee and their place be taken by the Secretary, Treasurer, or Director.


The Protest Committee may decide to hear the participants involved or they may make a ruling in committeeThe committee may consider its view of the likelihood that the matter affected the outcome of the game in question.


All decisions regarding protests involving LMBA playing rules or bylaws made by the Protest Committee are final.


  1. Performance Bonds – As a condition of joining the LMBA, all teams will be required to post a performance bond.  The amount of the bond will be set by the membership and is due before the start of the season.
    1. Instances where an application will be made against the bond include: forfeitures, team and player fines

Failure to attend meetings, damages to playing facilities and other instances deemed harmful to the well-being of the LMBA.

  1. The minimum level of a performance bond is $100.00 balance.  Failure to maintain the bond at this level shall result in cancellation and forfeiture of the next scheduled games.
  2. Performance bond balances will be returned to all teams at the conclusion of the playing season.


Lower Mainland Baseball Association – Entry Requirements


  1. A playing roster of 12 to 20 players.  All players to be properly registered under the terms to be set by the Registrar.  A minimum of 12 registered players is required to begin the season.  Players should not be registered in another baseball league.
  2. Adherence to the LMBA Constitution, Policies and Playing Rules.  These are contained in the annual handbook.
  3. Payment of league fees as set by the LMBA.  Payment dates are to be met (1) A non-refundable $200 deposit at the first league meeting of the current season with full payment by March 30.  League fees cover umpires, game balls, insurance, some user fees, operating costs of the Executive and a $200 performance bond.  This bond, in whole or in part, is refundable at season’s end.  At no time should the bond balance fall below $100.
  4. Support of league sanctioned events in the form of financial or volunteer commitments.
    • Each team must endeavour to secure a park and playing times in their locality.
    • Additional costs may arise – e.g.  Nat Bailey, tournaments, etc
  5. A team representative must be present at each league meeting and at the Annual General Meeting.
  6. A willingness to supply help for league committees necessary for the development of the league.
  7. A willingness to work on behalf of the league in individual member districts.
    • Park allotments and playing times
    • Work co-operatively with other baseball groups in their locality


The Executive of the LMBA will act on behalf of its members to determine the entry of teams into the league.

Recent Results
Fri Jul 26/24 7:00pm:
Aldergrove Chiefs -
Richmond Athletics -
Upcoming Games
Sat Jul 27/24 9:00am:
@ Robert Burnaby
Delta Stars -
Burnaby 45+ Pirates -
Sat Jul 27/24 9:00am:
@ South Surrey
Richmond Red Sox -
Surrey Sun Devils -
Sat Jul 27/24 12:00pm:
@ Robert Burnaby Park
North Vancouver Pirates -
Vancouver Vipers -
Sat Jul 27/24 6:00pm:
@ Hillcrest Park
Newton Pirates -
Vancouver Capilanos -
Sat Jul 27/24 6:30pm:
@ Fairfield Park
Richmond Rainiers -
Chilliwack Cubs -
Sun Jul 28/24 9:00am:
@ Holly Park (7 innings)
Langley Knights -
Central City Dodgers -
Sun Jul 28/24 9:00am:
@ Robert Burnaby Park (7 innings)
Howe Sound Hounds -
Burnaby Pirates -
Sun Jul 28/24 11:30am:
@ Holly Park (7 innings)
Central City Dodgers -
Langley Knights -
Sun Jul 28/24 11:30am:
@ Robert Burnaby (7 innings)
Burnaby Pirates -
Howe Sound Hounds -
Sun Jul 28/24 3:00pm:
@ Holly Park (7 innings)
Burnaby Blue Jays -
Newton Royals -


60+ Division00000.000


NABA World Series - Looking for Players

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September 06, 2023   read more

South Delta Padres are 2023 BC Senior AA Champs

September 06, 2023   read more

60+ baseball at its best!

July 17, 2023   read more

Countdown to

(Apr 12, 2024 @ 7:00pm)


Number of visits to the site:


2019 LMBA Champions
Baseball in the Age of Corona
Baseball in the Age of Corona
2019 LMBA Champions
Baseball in the Age of Corona
  • Congrats to South Delta Padres 2023 BC Senior AA Champs
  • Congrats to BC Capitals 60+ Tier Two CNOBF Champs
  • Congrats to Whalley Chiefs and Vancouver Mounties for great LMBA 18+ Division final. Chiefs win 2 - 1 in 12 innings.
  • Congrats to Richmond Red Sox, LMBA 45+ Ray Edger Division champs!
  • Congrats to Langley Knights, LMBA 30+ Division champs!