Dear Parents:


Your daughter has made an important commitment with regard to her decision to try-out for the Seven Lakes High School Girls Basketball program. The coaching staff, which has been professionally trained and hired by the school board, is very pleased to have your daughter as a participant in the program, and we have organized our efforts to promote her individual success.

Basketball is a very demanding sport, and you must be made aware of the time and dedication required to build a successful program. To help lessen the anxiety of scheduling holiday vacations and family time we will be providing a schedule and calendar of all practices and contests for the entire season. Basketball requires much effort and commitment from all players, parents and fans as it is a long U.I.L. season encompassing both Thanksgiving and Winter Break. We admire and respect any young person for making this kind of commitment and will work diligently to give athletes as much time with family as possible throughout the breaks. Thank you in advance for your commitment to your daughter’s goals as an athlete and for helping make Seven Lakes Girls Basketball a “program on a mission”.

Our Season:
The season officially begins on October 22nd, 2014 and continues through February 2015. This means, of course, we will have practices each school day and on Saturdays. Practices run from 2:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. or 5:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. on weekdays and 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays, unless otherwise noted on the calendar or by a coach. Our competitions begin on Nov. 4th with our first scrimmage at Clear Creek.

Preseason Information:

I expect the athletes not involved in another sport to engage themselves in our preseason workouts at school every day. Our training will involve various techniques to become a better basketball player. Training will include weightlifting, agility drills, plyo-metrics, fundamental basketball skills, and conditioning.

Off-season Information:

All basketball players not participating in others sports will remain in our off-season program until May. Those participating in other sports will be required to return to some portion of off-season upon the completion of their other sport. Training will include weightlifting, speed, agility and quickness work, and training practices to improve overall athletic performance. This is a vital part of the success of our program.


Participation in sports also involves some important forms for both the athlete and parents to complete each year. These forms may be found on the Katy Independent School District Website Katy ISD Athletic Forms ( and should include the following: Athletic Physical, Consent to treat form, UIL acknowledgment form, and Personal Information Sheet. No athlete is allowed to participate until all forms are on file with the Head Athletic Trainer at Seven Lakes High School.

Practice and Game Equipment:

Each athlete will be given a school uniform, practice equipment, warm-ups, and any other necessary equipment. The athletes, however, must provide their own shoes for practice and contests. You might choose to purchase the team shoe, which will be required for varsity athletes but available to all sub-varsity athletes. All provided equipment is the property of Seven Lakes Girls Basketball and should be worn only at UIL sponsored events which include our participation. Athletes will be expected to return the equipment in the condition it was issued. We strive to put our Spartans at the top. Compliance requires athletes to return all school issued equipment, failure to do so will result in fines and holds at the conclusion of the year.

Thank you!

I appreciate your support. Your daughter is taking on a big challenge, and I know that she could experience some difficulties during the season. If we work together, however, your daughter’s season can be very rewarding. I look forward to seeing each of you at our games supporting our young ladies as they strive to achieve their goals and make their dreams come true.


Angela Spurlock
Seven Lakes High School
Assistant Athletic Coordinator
Head Girl’s Basketball Coach






2015 State Playoffs Are Almost Here!

February 06, 2015   read more

2015 State Playoffs Are Almost Here!

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Countdown to

(Apr 20, 2015 @ 6:00pm)

Tickets on Sale Soon


Number of visits to the site:


  • Welcome to the home of the Seven Lakes Spartan Girls Basketball Team
  • Join the SLHS Booster Club and support girls basketball
  • New Physical Forms for 2015-2016 - "Cheat Sheet" located under HANDOUTS
  • Required - Physical, May 7th 5:30 doors close at 6:15