Parent Wrote:

The thing I like most about baseball (or other sports our children are involved in) is the fact that it's an opportunity to bring families closer together as we support our children, siblings, etc. I found this to be the case last year as we watched our son enjoy himself on the field. Along with this, the opportunity to throw a baseball around with my son before games and practices made for some special times with him. Before my son "tried out" for the AA team, we had a discussion regarding whether he makes it or not. We (my son and I) already knew that he probably would not make it. This was okay. It took some encouraging for my son to decide to try out anyways. To be asked to try out was a good enough reason to go out and learn more about this sport. There were no high expectations to be dissappointed.

In 10, 20, or 30 years from now, our kids aren't going to remember (or care about) the best players they played with, or being on the best possible team, etc. What they will remember is that extra special coach that included them when they may not have been quite as good as some of the others, and allowed them to play more than just the outfield. They'll also remember the times that mom and dad came out to their practices and games to cheer them on.


2019 AA Tryouts

February 22, 2018   read more

2019 Season Registration

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2019 Winnipeg South Chiefs AAA Tryouts

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Charleswood Place Field Maintenance Position

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2019 Spring Clinics

March 13, 2018   read more

2019 Coaching Clinics

February 23, 2018   read more

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