Opening Day Starters

Posted May 8, 2012

According to ESPN the Diamondbacks have annouced Tony Wyllie as game one starter and Kris Gira as game two starter for the opening day double header. The scouting report is below.

Tony Wyllie - Crafty vetern who has no ligaments left in his arm and simply gets by on wind resistance and trying to throw slower then they swing.  Throws lots of ground balls and pounds beer between innings as if it were keeping him alive.  Coming off the DL from last season no one knows what to expect.

Kris Gira - Awful pitcher!  Throws from 7 arm angles never knows where it is coming from, or where the ball is going for that matter.  Throws in the 73-76 range.  Mixes it up. Rumor has it he has been attending for pointers and is looking to rebound nicely from a 1-9 record last year. 

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Sun Sep 18/16 2:00pm:
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