Dead Birds

Posted May 18, 2012

Dead Birds

On a chilly rain threatening evening the sparse crowd watched a 12-5 crushing defeat handed down by the Dbacks.  Led again by an offensive onslaught by Fabby and in his first game back after missing all of last year due to vagicitis Tom Gayef pitched a gem through 5.  Tom had a no no going for a good portion but lost it to the 9 hole.  Flat bill finished it off.  A large portion of the squad was missing but thanks again to brilliant motivational tactics employed by Snap Show the Dbacks were able to rise up and put it on the board.  The Dbacks will have a long lay off before they face the defending champs next Saturday.

After the game the Dbacks then proceeded to out drink the opposition and brought them much shame.  Word has it their entire team has been ordered by upper managment to wear grey pants next game.

Highlights of the night include:

Aren Nelson -  might have had the ugliest strikeout hacks of the year against both our starter and reliever. 

POPO - lietterally ran away from the one ball hit in his direction. Later quoted as saying "I thought it might hit me"

JR - Picked up the slack as token black guy and showed he could challenge for the beer cup

Team - consumed 40 beers and had a solid turnout.

MVP - Fabby                                                     Vag Badge - Kris Gira

Recent Results
Sun Sep 18/16 2:00pm:
Diamondbacks 3
Giants 2
Sat Sep 17/16 3:00pm:
Giants 2
DiamondBacks 5
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