Jun 3/12

Posted June 3, 2012

June 1st started out what could be a long/quick month its baseball baseball baseball. Certianly some one could mention the season is in a grind right now so get ready for the long haul. The Reds started out a little slow friday night even tho they scored in every inning. At one point you could say they were gunna get stung but when the light were turned off at the end of the night the score board read 22-12 in favor of our home town team. The Bees put of a great fight but were swatted away by the Reds giving the Reds thier third victory of the season. Taylor Morlan started on the hill and pitched great. The sticks were agian hot as one could ask for and were lead by Bill Sullivan going 5 for 6 The Reds play the Warroad Muskies on Sunday start time is 1pm and 3pm


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