15U Division
(2 pools of 4 teams)

  • Woodbat only
  • 9-man with re-entry.  EH and DH are allowed and EH is strongly encouraged as this is an early tournament.
    • An Extra-Hitter (EH) may be placed on the lineup card (a 10th hitter which can be placed anywhere in the
      batting order) as a way to get more athletes at-bats through-out the game. This rule is optional for both teams
      prior to each game and does not have to be used by both teams during a game. The EH must be marked on
      the lineup card at the start of the game and must be used for the entire game.
      The EH may be interchanged with any other position during the game and can be changed multiple times. For
      example, the SS could become the EH and the EH become the SS. (Baseball Sask Playoff Manual)
  • Each team supplies 2 game balls for games, except semifinals and finals which will be supplied by Lions Park. 
  • Home Team supplies scorekeeper; Visitor supplies person to track pitch count for both teams. Completed official Score and Pitch count sheets must be returned to clubhouse immediately after game.
  • Be at games early; may start earlier when needed as determined by Tournament Chair.
  • All Pitchers follow SBA Pitch Count rules. https://www.baseballsask.ca/player-programs/pitch-count

         **Clarification Regarding #(7) Pitchers are allowed to pitch up to 3 consecutive days provided the following is adhered toPitchers cannot pitch 4 consecutive days – one (1) days rest is needed.  

        a) Pitching two consecutive days is allowed IF the pitcher does not exceed the daily MINIMUM threshold on Day 1   15U: 35            
    If a pitcher meets the requirements to pitch on consecutive days and the pitcher does not go over the MINIMUM daily threshold during game 1 ON DAY 2, they are permitted to have a 2nd appearance in the same calendar day, or the next day if they do not exceed the minimum first threshold (15U – 35).
    Pitchers will not be permitted to exceed the maximum daily allowable number of pitches in any two-day period. In this situation, when the pitchers two-day total reaches the maximum daily allowable number, that pitchers mandatory days rest starts the following day at 12:01 AM and is based on the total number of pitches thrown over the two-day period.

    Example:    A 15U pitcher throws 30 pitches on Day 1 (Friday). On Day 2 (Saturday), that pitcher is eligible but limited to 65 pitches FOR THE DAY. Pitcher throws 35 pitches in game 1 on Day 2, so will be eligible to pitch a second game on Day 2 and will now have 30 pitches left for the daily total of 65 for Day 2. Or pitcher may make one appearance on Day 2 and pitch up to 65 pitches.  That pitcher’s two-day total is now 95 and this combined total over 2 days is the number to be used to determine Days of Rest. In this case, the Pitcher cannot pitch again for 4 days starting at 12:01 AM Sunday.

    (b) Pitching three consecutive days is allowed IF the pitcher’s first 2 days combined does not exceed MINIMUM threshold  15U: 35            
                   Note: I
    f pitcher’s day 1 + day 2 exceeds figure above for their division, they require at least one (1) days rest.

    Example: A 15U pitcher throws 20 pitches on Day 1 (Friday). On Day 2 (Saturday), that pitcher is eligible and throws 15 pitches for a two-day total of 35 which does not exceed the 15U minimum of 35 pitches.  On Day 3 (Sunday), pitcher is eligible but limited to 60 pitches FOR THE DAY.  Pitcher throws 25 pitches in game 1 on Day 3, so will be eligible to pitch a second game on Day 3 and will now have 35 pitches left for the daily total of 60 for Day 3. Or pitcher may make one appearance on Day 3 and pitch up to 60 pitches. That pitcher’s three-day total is now 95 and this combined total over 3 days is the number to be used to determine Days of Rest. In this case, the Pitcher cannot pitch again for 4 days starting at 12:01 AM Sunday. Note: Pitcher cannot pitch 4 consecutive days. Minimum of 1 day rest is required.
  • Umpires MAY declare (at the request of the tournament director) no new inning rule after set time if game running late.
  • 7 Inning games – 6 run/inning mercy rule (not withstanding over the fence homerun) – game over if 10 runs up after 5 innings. (Cannot complete early unless at least 10 runs ahead regardless of the 6 run/inning rule).
  • Home Team will not take last at bat if already ahead.
  • Coach MUST have been notified regarding possible pitcher violation prior to a win being awarded for failure to correct.
  • Ties will not be broken for Round Robin games.  Ties in playoff games will be broken using the International Tie Breaker rule.
  •  Top 2 teams in each pool move on to playoffs.
    • Ties after Round Robin in each pool broken using:
                1) Head to Head
               2) If needed, Tie Breaking ratio 1 (Runs against divided by defensive innings played in all games)
                3) If still needed, Tie Breaking ratio 2 (Runs for divided by offensive innings played in all games)
           Team A example ...14 runs against divided by the number of defensive innings played (27.33)
.... 14 ÷ 27.33 = 0.51 Ratio score *
                        *For run calculations, in a mercy rule game, the winning team will receive credit for 7 innings (21 outs) while the losing team will only receive credit for the actual innings played.
  • Adequate rest will be allowed for playoff games regardless of posted start time, as determined by Tournament Chair 

13U Division (Wood Bat)

    (2 pools of 3 cross over draw)

  • Everyone Bats.
  • Woodbats supplied if needed (2 to a diamond). Leave at diamond at end of game.
  • Each team supplies 2 game balls for games, except semifinals and finals which will be supplied by Lions Park. 
  • Home Team supplies scorekeeper; Visitor supplies person to track pitch count for both teams. Completed official Score and Pitch count sheets must be returned to clubhouse immediately after game.
  • Be at games early; may start earlier when needed as determined by Tournament Chair.
  • All pitchers follow SBA pitch count rules. https://www.baseballsask.ca/player-programs/pitch-count
    • **Clarification Regarding #(7)  Pitchers are allowed to pitch up to 3 consecutive days provided the following is adhered toPitchers cannot pitch 4 consecutive days – one (1) days rest is needed.  

          a) Pitching two consecutive days is allowed IF the pitcher does not exceed the daily MINIMUM threshold on Day 1   13U: 30              
      If a pitcher meets the requirements to pitch on consecutive days and the pitcher does not go over the MINIMUM daily threshold during game 1 ON DAY 2, they are permitted to have a 2nd appearance in the same calendar day, or the next day if they do not exceed the minimum first threshold (13U – 30).
      Pitchers will not be permitted to exceed the maximum daily allowable number of pitches in any two-day period. In this situation, when the pitchers two-day total reaches the maximum daily allowable number, that pitchers mandatory days rest starts the following day at 12:01 AM and is based on the total number of pitches thrown over the two-day period.

      Example:   A 13U pitcher throws 20 pitches on Day 1 (Friday). On Day 2 (Saturday), that pitcher is eligible but limited to 65 pitches FOR THE DAY. Pitcher throws 25 pitches in game 1 on Day 2, so will be eligible to pitch a second game on Day 2 and will now have 40 pitches left for the daily total of 65 for Day 2. Or pitcher may make one appearance on Day 2 and pitch up to 65 pitches. That pitcher’s two-day total is now 85 and this combined total over 2 days is the number to be used to determine Days of Rest. In this case, the Pitcher cannot pitch again for 4 days starting at 12:01 AM Sunday.

      (b) Pitching three consecutive days is allowed IF the pitcher’s first 2 days combined does not exceed MINIMUM threshold  13U: 30             
                     Note: I
      f pitcher’s day 1 + day 2 exceeds figure above for their division, they require at least one (1) days rest.

      Example: A 13U pitcher throws 10 pitches on Day 1 (Friday). On Day 2 (Saturday), that pitcher is eligible and throws 15 pitches for a two-day total of 25 which does not exceed the 13U minimum of 30 pitches.  On Day 3, pitcher is eligible but limited to 60 pitches FOR THE DAY.  Pitcher throws 25 pitches in game 1 on Day 3, so will be eligible to pitch a second game on Day 3 and will now have 35 pitches left for the daily total of 60 for Day 3. Or pitcher may make one appearance on Day 3 and pitch up to 60 pitches. That pitcher’s three-day total is now 85 and this combined total over 3 days is the number to be used to determine Days of Rest. In this case, the Pitcher cannot pitch again for 4 days starting at 12:01 AM Sunday. Note: Pitcher cannot pitch 4 consecutive days. Minimum of 1 day rest is required.
  • Umpires MAY declare (at the request of the tournament director) no new inning rule after set time if game running late.
  • Round Robin 6 inning games - 6 run/inning mercy rule - game over if 10 up after 4 innings. (Cannot complete early unless at least 10 runs ahead regardless of the 6 run/inning rule).
  • Playoff rounds (Semi Finals and Finals) will be 7 innings - 6 runs/inning mercy rule - game over if 10 up after 5 innings. (Cannot complete early unless at least 10 runs ahead regardless of the 6 run/inning rule).
  • Ties will not be broken for Round Robin games.  Ties in playoff games will be broken using the International Tie Breaker rule.
  • Home team will not take last at bat if already ahead.
  • Coach MUST have been notified regarding possible pitcher violation prior to a win being awarded for failure to correct.
  • Top 4 teams overall move to playoffs.
    • Standing Ties after Round Robin broken using:
                  1) Head to Head
                    2) If needed, Tie Breaking ratio 1 (Runs against divided by defensive innings played in all games)
                    3) If still needed, Tie Breaking ratio 2 (Runs for divided by offensive innings played in all games)

           Team A example ...14 runs against divided by the number of defensive innings played (17.67)
...14 ÷ 17.67 = 0.79 Ratio score
            *For run calculations, in a mercy rule game, the winning team will receive credit for 6 innings (18 outs) while the losing team will only receive credit for the actual innings played.
  • Adequate rest will be allowed for playoff games regardless of posted start time, as determined by Tournament Chair.


11U Division

(2 pools of 3 cross over draw)

  • Everyone Bats (Bunting NOT allowed as per SBA rules).
  • Each team supplies 2 game balls for games, except semi finals and final which will be supplied by Lions Park. 
  • Home Team supplies scorekeeper; Visitor supplies person to track pitch count for both teams. Completed official Score and Pitch count sheets must be returned to clubhouse immediately after game.
  • Be at games early; may start earlier when needed as determined by Tournament Chair.
  • All pitchers follow SBA Pitch Count rules. https://www.baseballsask.ca/player-programs/pitch-count
    • **Clarification Regarding #(7)    Pitchers are allowed to pitch up to 3 consecutive days provided the following is adhered toPitchers cannot pitch 4 consecutive days – one (1) days rest is needed.  

          a) Pitching two consecutive days is allowed IF the pitcher does not exceed the daily MINIMUM threshold on Day 1   11U: 25               
      If a pitcher meets the requirements to pitch on consecutive days and the pitcher does not go over the MINIMUM daily threshold during game 1 ON DAY 2, they are permitted to have a 2nd appearance in the same calendar day, or the next day if they do not exceed the minimum first threshold (11U – 25).
      Pitchers will not be permitted to exceed the maximum daily allowable number of pitches in any two-day period. In this situation, when the pitchers two-day total reaches the maximum daily allowable number, that pitchers mandatory days rest starts the following day at 12:01 AM and is based on the total number of pitches thrown over the two-day period.

      Example:   A 11U pitcher throws 20 pitches on Day 1 (Friday). On Day 2 (Saturday), that pitcher is eligible but limited to 55 pitches FOR THE DAY. Pitcher throws 25 pitches in game 1 on day 2, so will be eligible to pitch a second game on day 2 and will now have 30 pitches left for the daily total of 55 for Day 2. Or pitcher may make one appearance on Day 2 and pitch up to 55 pitches. That pitcher’s two-day total is now 75 and this combined total over 2 days is the number to be used to determine Days of Rest. In this case, the Pitcher cannot pitch again for 4 days starting at 12:01 AM Sunday.

      (b) Pitching three consecutive days is allowed IF the pitcher’s first 2 days combined does not exceed MINIMUM threshold  11U: 25              
                     Note: I
      f pitcher’s day 1 + day 2 exceeds figure above for their division, they require at least one (1) days rest.

      Example: A 11U pitcher throws 10 pitches on Day 1 (Friday). On Day 2 (Saturday), that pitcher is eligible and throws 10 pitches for a two-day total of 20 which does not exceed the 11U minimum of 25 pitches.  On day 3, pitcher is eligible but limited to 55 pitches FOR THE DAY.  Pitcher throws 25 pitches in game 1 on day 3, so will be eligible to pitch a second game on day 3 and will now have 30 pitches left for the daily total of 55 for Day 3. Or pitcher may make one appearance on Day 3 and pitch up to 55 pitches. That pitcher’s three-day total is now 75 and this combined total over 3 days is the number to be used to determine Days of Rest. In this case, the Pitcher cannot pitch again for 4 days starting at 12:01 AM Sunday.

  • Umpires MAY declare (at the request of the tournament director) no new inning rule after set time if game running late.
  • 6 inning games - 6 run/inning mercy rule - game over if 10 runs up after 4 innings. (Cannot complete early unless at least 10 runs ahead regardless of the 6 run/inning rule).
  • Ties will not be broken for Round Robin games.  Ties in playoff games will be broken using the International Tie Breaker rule.
  • Home Team will not take last at bat if already ahead.
  • Coach must have been notified regarding possible pitcher violation prior to a win being awarded after failure to correct.
  • Top 4 teams overall move on to playoffs.
    • Standing Ties after Round Robin broken using:
                     1) Head to Head
                     2) If needed, Tie Breaking ratio 1 (Runs against divided by defensive innings played in all games)
                    3) If still needed, Tie Breaking ratio 2 (Runs for divided by offensive innings played in all games)

           Team A example ...14 runs against divided by the number of defensive innings played (17.33)
.......14 ÷ 17.33 = 0.81 Ratio score
            *For run calculations, in a mercy rule game, the winning team will receive credit for 6 innings (18 outs) while the losing team will only receive credit for the actual innings played.
  • Adequate rest will be allowed for playoff games regardless of posted start time, as determined by Tournament Chair

2024 Champions
2024 Cham
2024 Champions
  • 2024 15U Champions - Regina WhiteSox
  • 2024 13 U Champions - Saskatoon Cardinals
  • 2024 11U Champions - Swift Current 57


Regina White Sox44001.000-
Saskatoon Brewers4310.7501.0
Calgary Bucks3111.5002.0
Swift Current 57’s3111.5002.0
Lloydminster Twins3120.3332.5
Regina Wolfpack3120.3332.5
White Butte Broncos3120.3332.5
SouthEast A’s3030.0003.5


Legasse 2024 highlights

May 18, 2024   read more

Legasse 2024

December 04, 2023   read more

2023 Legasse Highlites

May 22, 2023   read more

Legasse 2023

November 18, 2022   read more

New turfed Bullpens !

October 14, 2022   read more

2022 Legasse Tournament

January 21, 2020   read more
Recent Results
Sun May 19/24 1:45pm:
Saskatoon Cardinals 9
Regina Wolfpack 4
Sun May 19/24 1:45pm:
Saskatoon Brewers 1
Regina White Sox 6
Sun May 19/24 12:00pm:
Swift Curent 57’s 14
Regina Wolfpack 8
Sun May 19/24 10:30am:
13U Semi - Saskatoon Cardinals 3
13U Semi - Regina White Sox 1
Sun May 19/24 10:30am:
15U Semi - Calgary Bucks 7
15U Semi - Saskatoon Brewers 15
Sun May 19/24 9:00am:
11U Semi - Swift Current 57s 15
11U Semi - Estevan Brewers 5
Sun May 19/24 9:00am:
11U Semi - Regina White Sox 3
11U Semi - Regina Wolfpack 9
Sun May 19/24 8:00am:
13U Semi - Swift Current 57s 6
13U Semi - Regina Wolfpack 11
Sun May 19/24 8:00am:
15U Semi - White Butte Broncos 11
15U Semi - Regina White Sox 16
Sat May 18/24 6:00pm:
Estevan Brewers 18
White Butte Broncos 8
Sat May 18/24 6:00pm:
Regina Wolfpack 8
Regina Athletics 12
Sat May 18/24 6:00pm:
Regina Wolfpack 11
Lloydminster Twins 2