The Week That Wasn't.

Posted June 10, 2012

Not much to report on the week. It started off poorly and progressively got worse. After losing in a bogus tie breaker in the Innisfail tournament. The Dbacks had an off day on Monday and were looking forward to getting back in the win colum on Tuesday against the Cocks.

This would not happen. Apparently the almighty Cardinals who know all and could not possibly do wrong; in conjunction with their little buddies the Giants; couldn't manage between the 30+ players at the diamond to lift up the tarps and put them on the plate or the mound. Apparently there were a lot of arm injuries in the game. No mention of this douche bag move by either team.

Thursday the Dbacks went for BP. The league has no system of booking cage times so it’s an absolute crap shoot if you want to practice. One Dback got there early and one cage was taken by the Cardinals, he proceeded to place his bag on the cage to clearly show he was there and the cage was taken. He then made the huge mistake of leaving his bag thinking that there was any kind of courtesy in the league. As he was out shooting gophers waiting for the rest of the team, "The Most Bush Team" in the province (Dukes) came in and decided that they deserved the cage more. They proceeded to move the bag from the cage and start using it. Much to Gopher Hunters chagrin the cage was gone upon his return filled with guys looking to be dotted ASAP.

After the practice the Dbacks signed Tyson Elberg to a 3 game tryout contract.

More time passed with the weather network calling for rain every day. As the week from hell would continue no rain was found. Sunday rolled around. 12:12am the rain came and kept coming until 5:30am. The damage was done, field under water, no grounds crew to work on it (well we pay people to do it...) Props to the Longhorns and Guns at least trying to figure out how those tricky tarps work....Take notes fellas.

Next up Wednesday against the Guns. It’s the Guns first year in the league and have had mixed results so far. The advanced scouts of the Dbacks have said they are very similar to the Gunz that folded from last year’s league.



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Sun Sep 18/16 2:00pm:
Diamondbacks 3
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Giants 2
DiamondBacks 5
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