Retro Night

Posted July 31, 2012

The Dbacks opened the DH with pack the park night and a BBQ.  The Outlaws heard this and decided to add to the fun by making it retro night.  They had some players wearing retro jerseys and brought back numerous players from last years roster to make an appearance (The Dbacks had one fan in retro gear.  Not sure how he got the message).  They also brought a few new faces; that before the game that came to the Dbacks bench asking if they would be playing.  They were promptly sent in the right direction.

Game 1 - In a well played exciting game, the Outlaws brought back Joe Sergent to pitch.  Backed by solid defense and racking up 13K's over a full 7 innings he dominated the noodle bat armed Dbacks.  Dbacks could only muster 1 hit and two walks in yet another lack luster offensive performance.  The lack of production can be blamed entirely on an umpire who decided to make up his own rules mid pitch.  Screaming at the top of his lungs about how if we had one more beer the devil would consume us. Scooter retorted "Yes sir! No fun sir!"  Sadly that was the highlight of the game for the Dbacks outside of a solid effort put in by Killer.  His night unraveled right as his GF came to talk to him on the bench.  He did however have the highlight of the game. BA!

MVP - Scooter                    Vadge - Flow

Game 2 - We went back to midget baseball facing a 16 year old pitcher.  Since the entire team was much better at hitting back then the lineup was able to put up a few more hits.  However combined with some solid hitting by the top of the Outlaws order and some terrible defensive plays by the Dbacks who are putting word out that if there is an optometrist out there we have a guy or two that need to be checked.  Allison had another big game proving that all you have to do is show up and the game is easy.  POPO went out swinging in his last game of the year getting another base knock.  Coop rounded many bases and provided the team with over 120 beers paying all of his fines on the year. 

MVP - Cooper                     Vadge - SS

BBQ - claimed one DBack before game one started.  Good food was had by all.  There was an endless supply of beer supplied by generous Dbacks fans and Coop's poor life choices.  Much suspicious activity happened in the parking lots and everyone got home safe; pending Tom killing a hobo to take out his frustrations.

To recap we are now the most hated team in the FMBA(as voted on by 3 or 4 teams),  we have officially pissed off everyone we set out to piss off, we are the worst hitting team by far in the FMBA and we know how to GREAT time.

Next up Wednesday against the Mets(set a career high for wins in a season).



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