Playoffs Rd #1

Posted August 27, 2012

With a strict 7am curfew in place the Dbacks were able to field an entire team for the 9am Saturday game.  This was key as the league only allows teams with members on the board to move playoff games at will. 

Game 1:  Behind solid pitching from Tom the Dbacks battled hard and played sold defense. They knew the hangover breakfast was waiting if they could finish the game in time. The bats were quiet but were able to string enough hits together to force across 4 runs with production coming from top to bottom in the lineup.  Tom held the Cocks to 2 runs 1 earned on 13K's over the full 7.

MVP - Killer                        Vag - Flow & SS

Game 2: After a hard fought battle, many douche moves and trying everything in his power to keep the Dbacks starting pitcher out of the first round of playoffs; the league president was thoroughly defeated by the better man and conceded defeat.  Sadly it was all for not however; as prior to the game someone stole Jobu's rum and angered the god who decided to put holes in the Dbacks bats.  Starting the game off with 3 consecutive errors and allowing two runs in the 3rd straight terrible first inning. The Dbacks tied it up in the 4th on some clutch 2 out hitting. Pitching continued to dominate the game in what was probably the best pitched game of the year.  Poor base running cost the Dbacks a lot of outs.  Miscommunication and an error in the top of the 8th allowed the Cocks to put the eventual winning run across the plate.  The Dbacks came close but couldn't finish of the Cocks like they normally do.

MVP - Kennedy                  Vag - Pouters & Nelly

Next up:  The Rubber Match Monday at 6pm.

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