FMBA Finals

Posted September 11, 2012

Game 1 - Kennedy actually showed up for this game which was good as he was on; holding the highest scoring team in the FMBA to just 1 run over 7 innings striking out 8.  Dbacks Played solid D and were able to put guys on when it counted and then capatilized on one of the funniest errors all season.  The Guns could not come through despite loading the bases 3 of times.

MVP - Kennedy                   Vag - Flow

Game 2 - This is where it started to fall apart.  SS was on the bump and was cruising through 4 with the biggest crowd of the year.  Up 4-2 headed in to the 5th a an error to start the inning, a sac, bb, wp, and single tied it up.  The guns took the lead on 3 singles and yet Dback another error.  At about this time little league father of the year was in the stands trying to start a fight with the very drunk Dback fans. Freeborn came in for the close and realized it was time to hang up the glove.  He couldn't record a K for the second straight outing and wasn't able to get the lefties out.  He will be hitting only in the future.  Guns kept putting it in play and we played hot potato.  Lose 9-5.  The real sad part was they were throwing a slowpitch pitcher and the Dbacks couldn't hit him.  They are filing a complaint with the league for illegal arch.

MVP - Lance                       Vag - Alex

Gamr 3 - Well it was exciting thats for sure.  The Dbacks started the game off hitting everything in site.  The Guns kept pace.  They were able to pull ahead as the Dbacks took an inning off defensively and rested up to try and get some more good swings in. This strategy could have worked however the 10,000 hours of BP put in paid off and the Guns put up another 5 runs taking the Dbacks ace out of the game.  Coming right back and chipping away on the lead; with the Guns lead down to 13-8 in came the same slowpitch pitcher, throwing the same 58-60mph fastballs and gravity defying breaking pitchs.  How his arm was still attached is a whole other question throwing 4 games in 5 days.  Having a little more success this game against him the Dbacks made it interesting and came back to within 2.  Top of 7 with 2 on and 2 out Foddy struck out looking to hand the championship the the Guns. 

MVP - Flow                        Vag - Killer

Guns are FMBA Champions for 2012


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