Opening Weekend

Posted May 22, 2013

Game 1 - It was opening day at 9AM.  Things were not pretty to start for the Dbacks.  Terrible starting pitching and some limp noodles at the dish.  Starter left after 2IP to run a ball camp; as those who can't do coach. RP Axel(Longhorns favorite player) came in and pitch 4 scoreless to keep it close in his Dbacks debut.

Side Note - Tom nearly ended some poor 2B life after a full speed baseline collision.  Hopefully he has been moved out of intensive care by now.

MVP - Axel                        IMDB - SS

Game 2 - Gayef started and was not his best.  Still got his 7K's and was quoted as saying "chicks dig K's" after the game.  Bats were a little better and we even managed to muster up a run.  Still managed 10K's clearly not enough time was spent at the pitching machine.  Beers and food ensued.

MVP - Shep                       IMDB - Kenton

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