


JULY 7TH, 1922

Local Ball Teams Have Big Week; Cop Three Contests --- Autos Beat Morton 3 to 1 While Sluggers Pound Out Victories Over New Ulm and Lafayette Teams ---Last Sunday afternoon the Autos ball team autoed to Morton where they clashed in a return game with the team of that place, winning in a close game by a score of 3 to 1. P. Schroeder and Saltau were the opposing pitchers and both worked effectively, each striking out 11. Schroeder allowed three scattered hits and Saltau four. Morton scored their only run in the second inning when Donlin was issued a free pass, stole second and third and scored on H Donlin's sacrifice. Gibbon's first runs came in the seventh when Mikkelson got on a base on balls. E. Kosek got on thru a fielder's choice. Mikkelson taking third on the play. Kosek went to second on the next ball pitched and both scored a moment later when Koskek forced Mikkelson at third. E. Donlon making a wild peg to home in an attempt to get Mikkelson at the plate. Their final run was scored in the 8th when Marlowe got on thru grace of an error by Manecke. In every inning except the 3rd Gibbon scored from one to four times and every member of the team was hitting and fielding in an excellent manner. The hitting feature of the game was a home run smash to the left field fence in the 7th inning by Kiehn.
THE GIBBON GAZETTE VOLUME NO. XXIX - JULY 23rd, 1922Autos Drop Sunday's Game To Bird Island 5 to 1 ---Inability to hit safely when hits would have meant runs, coupled with some extra good work by the umpire in favor of the Bird Island ball tossers, caused the Autos ball team of this place to again taste defeat in their game with Bird Island on the latter's diamond last Sunday afternoon. For the first two innings both teams were held scoreless but in the third the locals drew first blood by scoring when H. Schroeder got on thru grace of an error by Poseley and scored on Fitchen's two-base drive. However, they were unable to maintain this on-run lead for long as their opponents came back in their half of the same inning and shoved over three tallies on a two base drive by Schweback, an error by Mikkelson, a triple by Phillips and a single by Poseley. The fourth frame proved uneventful for either of the teams but in the fifth the Bird Islanders increased their lead by tallying twice more on a single by Schweback, an error by Gutzke, and a single by Phillips. During the courses of the game the locals had several good chances of shoving across runs byut each time that the situation began to look all to their favor they either failed at the stick or the "umps" done some "pretty work" which done much to assist in cutting down their chances. Both teams played a good fielding game, only two errors being chalked up against the home boys, while Poseley was the only one who "booted" a chance on the other side. next Sunday these same teams will meet on the local grounds in the 2nd game of a double header scheduled here for that afternoon and with several new players, which, it is hoped, will greatly strengthen their lineup, the locals hope to turn the tables on the visitors.
PLAYER BLOG: Tony Stadtherr
Posted: March 3rd, 2008 12:00 PM CST
For the past several months I have been asking our players to take time out of their lives and write a blog for the website so its probably only fair that I write one as well. The first subject I asked guys to write on was what they had done since the end of our 07 season. Let’s see here...
Life has been a bit of a blur for me since late July of last summer. As many of you may know Joni and I were married on August 11th. The wedding went great, and as the day ended the weeks and months that followed started flying by. In July, Joni started her new job as a social worker, working with the elderly for Blue Earth County, here in Mankato were we now live. After the wedding we took a short honeymoon to Duluth and as soon as we came back home I started the final stage of my undergraduate as a teacher.
My student teaching experience was in Cleveland Public School as a Health and Physical Education teacher. I worked with students ranging in grade levels from kindergarten to 10th grade. Many of you who know me well are probably thinking, how could he have possibly worked with elementary age students. Surprisingly, after my experience, I now would love to secure a position as an elementary P.E. teacher. The experience as a whole was an incredible journey; I truly loved going to work every day. It helped that I had to great cooperating teachers, Kate Bergstrom and Dave Krenik. The three of us had a lot of good times from September to February 1st.
The week following my student teaching I began a period in my journey to become a teacher, I began substituting. Since then I have been subbing almost everyday. I have been to Lake Crystal, Cleveland, Nicolette, and Maple River so far. Most mornings when I wake up I have to think for a second to remember where I am going. Also in February Joni and I had a chance to go on our real honeymoon. We spent seven days in Hawaii including two in Honolulu and five in Maui. We happened to go during the coldest week of the year back here and had nothing but perfect weather out there.
Everyone else did their best to include some comedy in their blogs so I figure that I should at least try. Most of the funny moments in my life in the past half year come from things that happen at school, kids really do say the darndest things. One of my favorite stories that I can actually tell took place in a kindergarten P.E. class. I was teaching the students to hit a ball against a wall with a paddle. As I was explaining our activity I mixed in two tennis terms that I wanted the students to learn, “forehand and backhand. Right after I had explained the term forehand, without missing a beat one of the kindergarteners quickly raised their hand. I called on him and he said to me, “but Mr. Stadtherr I only have two hands, not four”. Believe it or not, he was dead serious.
Well, now that I have finished the longest blog in the history of our website I want to introduce an idea I have had brewing for quite some time now. I want to introduce a contest that we will start on the website starting immediately. This contest will attempt to bring the Gibbon Reds to the entire world. What we are asking of any and all Reds fans is to take your Reds gear with you as you travel the world. I want to see how many pictures we can get from all over the world in some of the most amazing places. I will start the contest with two pictures that Joni and I have taken over the past couple of months. If you too have pictures from places around the state, nation or world with your Gibbon Reds gear on send them to Wade Werner wadewerner35@yahoo.com with a brief description of where in the world you are.
Thanks for keeping our site busy in the off-season. We will be posting our schedule of the upcoming season in about two weeks. We have some special events planned for the upcoming season so stay tuned. Please continue to join us at The Mac this upcoming summer.


PLAYER BLOG: Wade Werner
Posted: January 20th, 2008 10:35 PM CST
Professionally, I'm half ways through my 8th year of teaching at GFW Elementary School. I've been blessed to be one of those odd balls that look forward to Monday mornings. The students never cease to amaze me with their stories of loose teeth, lost dogs, birthday parties, and successes (large and small). Their main concerns range from ‘how many words are on their spelling list’ to ‘what’s for lunch’. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are still the foundations of my job, however, I feel a tremendous obligation to be a good role model for these kids especially after seeing how some of them don’t have any. You’d be surprised how many of them know who we, as Gibbon Reds, are (numbers, nicknames, and all). They take great pride in being part of our fan base and dream of the day they can take the field. Keep that in mind every time you put on your uniform.
Personally... being a husband and father brings about an evolution of character that you really can’t explain unless you actually live it. You find yourself embracing all the good and bad experiences that you have had to this point and hope it’s only the beginning of what’s yet to come. Jenni’s been knitting, baking and chasing the kids around. Lincoln’s learning to speak fluently and loves practicing his left-handed swing on his batting T. Brooklyn is loving preschool & dance. Peanut, my Poodle, is in need of a good dog dentist. For myself, I’ve joined racquetball league, continue to run public access television, and have been dabbling in the world of Facebook. My goal is to be the highest ranked Facebook MN Twins Trivia contestant out of the 43,000 people that are signed up for it. I’m currently number 371.



PLAYER BLOG: Brandon Kerling
Posted: January 6th, 2008 10:35 am CST
Well my turn now I guess, since our beloved Vikes aren't arent in the playoffs to make us that much more dissappointed when they would have lost there anyway, I have jumped the Cowboys bandwagon. Unless they play the Packers which then i would like to see Brett Farve get one more Super Bowl then retire. However since the Patriots are so good ayway I really don't have any hope so who cares huh...
Since baseball has been over I've done a few things. First the one that still gets me fired up, is I was in Intramurals flag football , but the week before playoffs we didnt have enough guys, so we used an illegal player, which ultimitly got us kicked out of the leauge...Well then after that i got the traveling bug again and went out to Colorado over Halloween to visit Kip and go skiing.(those of you young guys who havent gone anywhere yet get out of your shell and explore) After i got back from there, Bri and I got back together, so thats what I have been up to latley more than anything. When I have time I like to go skiing here at Powder Ridge, and play some basketball. Lately since Christmas i got a new wood bat that i have been swinging quiet often too.
Upcoming for me is starting my internship here in St. Cloud at the O.K. House which i'll be a juvinille care assisiant, watching and interacting with troubled youth, kinda fits huh..., hopefully graduating in the summer, and also still working at the Waite Park Leigion as a cook. Lastly which I'm looking forward to the most is going to Hawii the first week in March for spring break.!!! anyway, good luck to everyone and can't wait to see you all in the spring, kinda jelious of ty, cant lie with all them good sports teams out there, Bastard jk...have fun



PLAYER BLOG: Ryan Kachelmeier
Posted: December 30th, 2007 10:35 pm CST
Well, I guess my rotation for the blog could not have come at a better time. As you all have heard by now Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant and as you may have suspected…I am the father. The news has made it very quiet at the Kachelmeier household, so I kind of look forward to the sound of pitter-patter feet in the house 2 weekends a month. The weird thing is, is that all I did was lend her a pair of socks. I guess I can thank my years and love of food cooked in the microwave for that. Opps!
Once the baseball season ended I turned in my bat for golf clubs. I was able to get in a few rounds before the start of harvest. My game isn’t worth bragging about, but I still have a lot of fun none the less. So if anyone wants to play a round this summer, feel free to give me a call. Earlier this fall we finished my baseball themed room which turned out better than I expected. Other than that, it has just been a whirl-wind of run here, run there type of life. In November, Randi and I managed to get away for a weekend in Deadwood, South Dakota, which was a lot of fun. For anyone that like to gamble, but can’t afford Vegas, give that a shot.
Work has consumed a lot of my time 7 days a week (4 hours on Saturday and Sunday). It doesn’t really bother me in the winter since I don’t hunt or snowmobile. Besides, there’s always money to be made somewhere. And it seems that if you ain’t makin it you’re spendin it (the married guys will testify to that). I guess I could admit that in the winter I turn into a bit of a workaholic, but what else is really going on?
Randi has decided to go back to school to be a Pharmacy Technician. She’ll be taking most of her classes on-line through Rasmussen College. It’s an 18 month course which is really nice, but what’s awesome is the fact that Buddha’s hooking up with a college chick!!!! So, for all of the guys on the team that are in college, let’s compare notes in May.
As for current events, I think the assassination of Benazir Bhutto created a very scary situation in the Middle East that could spill over into Afghanistan, India, Iran and Iraq. Keep an eye on that situation. And for those teammates that I just confused with those two sentences (Panning), I’ll say this. Williamson, T-Jack and Childress, “YOUR #@$%ING KILLING US!!!!!


Click here to see Jon's Dunk on MySpace!

Posted: December 23rd, 2007 10:35 am CST
Jon DeRock’s life after the Gibbon Red’s 2007 Season:
When school started in the beginning of September basketball started as well. I had weights every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. I also had my individual workouts with the coaches on Tuesday and Thursday. These workouts were the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. My workout group consisted of Andy Bielke from MVL and Andrew Peschong. We were the group of point guards and we had to do a lot of conditioning. In fact after one of my workouts and I was so exhausted that I actually threw up. That kind of tells you how tough the workouts were. We also had two pool workouts during the week and then we had to find time to play our pick up games. This was our preseason to prepare us for the regular season.

The real season started for us when October 15th rolled around. The actual basketball practice does not compare to the toughness of the individual workouts, especially now since we are playing a couple games a week. In practice now I get to play a lot of scout offense, which is actually a lot of fun. I get to go out there and just play offense and I can shoot wherever and whenever I want, which is a lot of fun. Another thing that I have to do every day since basketball season started is lift weights. I have to wake up every morning at 7:30 to lift weights. At first this was tough to do, but after a while I got used to it and I have no problem with this anymore.

I think the whole transition for me from Hamline to Southwest has been a good one. The level of basketball is a little different. Where I really see a difference is in the play of the post players. They are much more athletic and they can actually shoot the ball well. The guards are comparable between the two levels. One thing that is making the red shirt year go by a lot faster is the fact that we are winning games. We have a pretty solid basketball team down here. In fact we just beat the number 14 team in the nation, St. Cloud State last night.

The education at Southwest is a little different than it is at Hamline. At Hamline I felt like I always had some big assignment that I needed to be working on and at Southwest I haven’t had that feeling one time. One new thing for me this semester was finals. I have had finals before, but it was usually just one or two in a semester. This semester I had 6. I am just happy to be done with it all!

Jon D.


PLAYER BLOG: Justin Schwecke
Posted: December 16th, 2007 7:35 pm CST
After the season ended I took time off from baseball and worked in our pig barns, until I returned to College at Bethany Lutheran College, Bethany is an extremely small college of only 500 students which kind of sucks but I still enjoy being in college. When i got back we started up fall baseball up and after that I have been lifting weights and throwing in the gym to get ready for the season which starts in January. I have chosen my major which is going to be business financing. I have been studying alot this year, and when im not studying i enjoy hanging out with my friends, and maybe throwing a couple back ( for all you old people that are married that means to have a couple beers with the fellas). I also enjoy playing flag football and intramural basketball. I also enjoy watching football all day on sundays, and have been enjoying it even more with the way the Vikings are playing, just think if we still had Randy Moss, how much better are team would be, which reminds me how stupid Minnesota sports teams are,they are always playing for the future and never thinking about winning a championship,it kind of pi$$e$ me off, excuse my language. Which reminds me how perfect the Patriots are and how lucky boston is to have the Red Sox Patriots, and Celtics, I wish I lived there. I love Bill Belechick he is the best coach ever, even though he did cost me a spot in the playoffs in my fantasy league.
I cant wait for next season it will be fun.

Peace Out Homies, Justin Schwecke


PLAYER BLOG: Mike Evenson
Posted: December 9th, 2007 9:35 pm CST
After the season ended I had a little down time until Jamie went back to school and harvest started, once that got going it has been a lot of work tring to keep up with all three of our busy lives. Teresa has been working extra hours along with myself, and Jamie plays volleyball, basketball, and she does cheerleading and now she has a life outside of school with her friends on the weekends and she needs rides to all this fun stuff. Then harvest was over so let the hunting begin, I have logged lots of hours with my gun and even shot it a couple times which is alway fun so I went out and bought a new muzzle loader so I can do it longer in the year, it is amazing that I even found some time to have a few cocktails with my buddies (for the minors on the team that means have a beer or two). I am so happy that it snowed already 'cause I love to start up the snow blower and move all the snow around and go fourwheeling and coyote hunting in all this white stuff. Man after reading the blog I wrote about myself I am jealous of all you younger guys, hanging out in college and meeting all kinds of new people and hunting for ladies, man I really got old and responsible the last couple years, have fun while you can this might be you in 10 years. And I can't even watch the Timberwolves anymore 'cause I throw stuff at the tv, they have such a young promising team but they can't win, I wish they would of never traded Garnett god he is awsome, and like shark said now the Twins are going to give up Santana for what should be a good player someday, maybe, hopefully.


PLAYER BLOG: Jake Rubischko
Posted: December 3rd, 2007 7:35 pm CST
This is Jake Rubischko and after the season ended I finally got signed up for college. I'm currently living in Hutchinson and going to Ridgewater for Sales and Marketing Management. I really like it and I'm glad that I got going on school. The only bad part of it is, that I live with my brother who is an idiot. I also work part time at Runnings so if anyone on the team needs a discount on horse feed, I got the hook-up!
After college, I would really like to buy the grocery store here in Gibbon and get that up and going again because I think it could still work if you know what your doing. I really think it's ridiculous that the Twins will probably end up trading Johan Santana because what's the point in trading all of our stars for "top prospects" when those top prospects end up becoming stars and we won't resign them anyways. It's just a revolving door of talent and I think it should stop sometime, so why not with Johan?

This has been SHARK with your Gibbon Reds Blog Update


PLAYER BLOG: Ryan Panning
Posted: November 26th, 2007 7:35 pm CST
This is Ryan Panning and I am currently attending Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato. I really like it here, well everything besides the school part I guess. The campus is super small which actually plays to my advantage. I can wake up probably 5 or 10 minutes before my classes which is really nice because im not much of a morning person. The classes are a little harder than high school but I guess that was to be expected. I never was the smartest kid in my class like jason, and turns out I still am not so nothing new there for me.

Ive been busy with homework and lifting weights for baseball. We had practice in the fall for about a month. It was kind of a minny try out thing. That went alright, I didnt play as well as I can but hopefully good enough for some playing time. Baseball has allowed me to meet lots of cool people and has really helped in adapting to college.

Im still kind of depressed that Randy Moss played horrible last night. All he needed was one touchdown or 70 yards receiving and my fantasy football team would have won. I mean honestly who starts the season off 8-0 and is now 9-3 that is ridicoulous. I still wish they would have lost though that would of been awesome.
Im outtie.

Ryan P.


PLAYER BLOG: Jason Berger
Posted: November 20th, 2007 7:36 am CST
This is Jason Berger here and I am going to school currently at St. Thomas. The cities is a huge change of pace but I couldn't be more satisfied. I have to learn to stop calling it the cities, because I get made fun of. About 95% of people I have met here have no idea where Gibbon is, so I tell them. I love going to school at St. Thomas, its like my second family(behind the Gibbon Reds). If I could go back and choose a different school, I would still choose St. Thomas.

The tab button is broke on my computer so I can't tab these paragraphs. The academic part of school is a lot harder than high school. I am not one of the smartest kids in my class anymore, but I have been doing pretty good. I HATE homework, but I do it. I am majoring in engineering which means a lot of math but I enjoy it. I have many engineering friends, we are nerds. Learning to manage time is a skill that I had to learn recently, because of basketball starting.

We had a basketball meeting the third week of school and around 50 people signed up for the team. Tryouts were on October 9th and 10th. The basketball program at UST is one of the better ones in the MIAC. I made the team, but I think I was one of the last ones to make it. There are currently 16 guys on varsity and 10 on JV(including me). In college you really have to love the sport you are playing or you won't last. It is a huge time commitment but I love it enough to keep playing. JV is less of a team and more of a competition to be better than your teammates, which is stupid but its just the way it is. My floor has 6 basketball players on it, including my R.A., which is great. I also play intramural football with my friends and just lost in the final 4 of the 40 team league.

I hate the New England Patriots. They are just too good and too perfect. I know they are probably the best team ever but I can't stand them. It just seems like they are all part of some evil cult and their coach has brainwashed them.

Jason B.


PLAYER BLOG: Shane Ahlbrecht
Posted: November 10th, 2007 7:36 am CST
The Gibbon Reds have given me the opportunity to post my first blog ever. I am attending Winona State University. Winona is about an hour east of Rochester so it is about a three hour drive from Gibbon. I am really enjoying the school a lot. I decided not to try out for baseball because Winona State's team is really good and only have a varsity. If there would have been a junior varsity team I probably would have tried to play. I am friends with all ten freshman baseball players so I am hoping to work out with them a little this winter to keep my arm in shape.
I am undecided for my major, but I am taking an accounting class this semester and I am really interested in it. Most of the guys in high school predicted me to pursue a major in business so they might get their wish.
On Veterans Day, Monday Nov. 12th, I am going to become an Uncle again because Charlie and Sam are having their first baby together. It is going to be a boy and they have a name picked out but have kept it a surprise. I am very excited because this is my first nephew or niece born in the last six years.
I have been keeping busy doing homework. I can't just go to class without reading the chapters or doing homework anymore; I actually have to study now. Besides homework, I just hang out with friends.
I hope good ol' Gibbon is doing well and I look forward to next season.



PLAYER BLOG: Ty Harkness
Posted: October 27th, 2007 7:36 am CST

Apparently I have been chosen to be the first blogger on the great Gibbon Reds website. It's an honor and a privilege. Most of you know that I am now at college at Tufts University just outside of Boston, home of the Red Sox. Although I remain faithful to the Twins, it has been a lot of fun being in the city with the Sox in the playoffs. I have watched every game and last Sunday me and a couple of friends took the subway into Boston to be outside of Fenway when the Sox won game 7 of the ALCS. We had to scale a couple fences because there were about 1500 cops in full riot gear guarding a two block radius of the park, but it was worth it. Hopefully the Rockies will pull off a couple of wins so the series comes back to Boston and I can witness a world championship here.
As far as school goes, everything has been going good. Classes are really hard but I'm having a great time meeting new people, doing new things, the typical college stuff. As of now, I am majoring in chemical engineering with a biotech emphasis. Baseball is going good as well, I have been playing fall ball for about two months along with lifting and agility work. Tryouts don't happen until we come back from christmas break so I can't tell you anything there. Hope everything is going good back home.

GAME #1 05.04.2008 Stark Longhorns 14 - Gibbon 3
LOSS- The Gibbon Reds lost to Stark 14-3 in Tomahawk East action last Sunday, May 4th. Wade Werner took the loss going 5 innings striking out 6, walking 4,and giving up 5 earned runs. Shane Ahlbrect and Jon DeRock struggled in the latter innings giving up the additional 9 runs. Aaron Bruns and Sam Van Hon supplied the Reds with some offense driving in all three of the Reds runs. On a side note, the Reds were thrilled to have over 200 fans cheering them on. Gibbon's next contest will be on May 11th at home Vs. the Sleepy Eye Indians. 

GAME #2 05.11.2008 Sleepy Eye Indians 11 - Gibbon 2
LOSS - It was another rough outing for the Reds. Brian Hertling put the hurt on the Reds hitting two Home Runs and notching the win for the Indians. Wade Werner took the loss putting him to 0-2 this season. A bit of good news for the Reds, Justin Schwecke made his return to the Reds going 4-4 with a double. Schwecke was just voted to the UMAC (Upper Midwest Athletic Conference) All Tournament Baseball Team. Congratulations Justin!

GAME #3 05.18.2008 Lamberton Long Sox @ Gibbon (Double Header Game #1)
LOSS - Details soon.

GAME #4 05.18.2008 Lamberton Long Sox @ Gibbon (Double Header Game #2)
LOSS - Close game though.

GAME #5 05.21.2008 Gibbon 1 - Leavenworth Orioles 11

GAME #6 05.25.2008 New Ulm Brewers 5 - Gibbon 11
WIN - The Gibbon Reds triumphed over the New Ulm Brewers in Tomahawk East action Sunday as Tony Stadtherr picked up the win. Wendall Buerkle was the lucky winner of the Ted Marti Commemorative Bobblehead Doll! Autographed by Ted Marti himself. =)

GAME #7 05.26.2008 Gibbon 2 - Springfield 4

GAME #8 05.30.2008 Gibbon 1 - Stark Longhorns 13 (7 innings)
LOSS - The Stark Longhorns got the best of the Gibbon Reds as they strolled on to a 13-1 victory in 7 innings. Corey Gutnecht took the loss. Tony Stadtherr was a bright spot for the Reds as he hit a solo home run in the 6th. 

GAME #9 06.01.2008 (HOME) Searles Grizzlies 7 - Gibbon 10
WIN - The Gibbon Reds won their second home game in row by defeating the Searles Grizzlies 10-7. Justin Schwecke notches the win for the Reds after relieving Tony Stadtherr on the mound. Brandon Kerling gave the Reds a huge boost by connecting for a grand slam in the 5 inning. Keith Hartmann finished out the game on the mound picking up the save. The Reds have a busy weekend ahead with a game in St. James on Friday and two home games on Saturday and Sunday. 

GAME #10 06.06.2008 Gibbon 1 - St. James A's 9
LOSS - The Gibbon Reds struggled at the plate against the A's. Wade Werner took the loss going six innings, striking out 6 and giving up six runs. Jake Rubischko, Jon DeRock, and Justin Schwecke also threw and gave up the additional 3 runs. 

GAME #11 06.07.2008 Hanska Lakers 2 - Gibbon 1 - HARLEY-DAVIDSON DAY
LOSS - Jon DeRock had a phenomenal day for the Reds going 1-3 with a home run and striking out 10 on the mound. Unfortunately DeRock's dinger was the only run the Reds produced. Hanska tacked on the winning run in the 8th inning off of a solo home run. Though the loss snapped the Reds' two-game home winning streak, many fans turned out for Harley Davidson Day. All sorts of Harley Davidson items were raffled off between innings, including a $100 gift certificate which was won by Scott Schwarzrock of Gibbon. 

GAME #12 06.08.2008 (HOME) Essig Blue Jays 12 - Gibbon 1

GAME #13 06.10.2008 (HOME) Gibbon 2 - Gaylord Islanders 12 (8 innings)
LOSS - Wade Werner took another loss for the Reds battling through 6 innings at Gaylord Tuesday, June 10th, 2008. The Reds had a couple to many defensive mishaps and displayed little offense. Jason Berger hit a triple and Ty Harkness got an RBI by following with a double. No other major notes, other than two upcoming games this next weekend in Gibbon. Hope to see you all there!

GAME #14 06.14.2008 (HOME) 
LOSS - Springfield Tigers - Gibbon

GAME #15 06.15.2008 (AWAY) 
LOSS - Redwood Falls Red Birds - Gibbon

GAME #16 06.18.2008 (AWAY) 
WIN - Gibbon 6 - Sleepy Eye Indians 3
Justin Scwhecke had his best performance of the year on the mound defeating the Sleepy Eye Indians for their third win of the season. Keith Hartmann picked up his second save of the year.

GAME #17 06.20.2008 (AWAY) Gibbon @ Bird Island Islanders

GAME #18 06.21.2008 (HOME) St. James A's @ Gibbon

GAME #19 06.22.2008 (HOME) Leavenworth Orioles @ Gibbon

GAME #20 06.25.2008 (AWAY) Gibbon @ Redwood Falls Red Birds

GAME #21 06.28.2008 (AWAY) Gibbon @ Searles Grizzlies

GAME #22 06.29.2008 (AWAY) Gibbon @ Essig Blue Jays

GAME #23 07.02.2008 (AWAY) Gibbon @ Hanska Lakers

GAME #24 07.08.2008 (AWAY) Gibbon @ New Ulm Brewers

GAME #25 07.13.2008 (HOME) Cleveland Condors @ Gibbon

100 YEARS AGO...April 10th, 1908
Gibbon Gazette
The first game of baseball to take place in Gibbon this spring was pulled off on the school grounds last Saturday afternoon when the fourth nine took the fifth nine into camp by a score something like this - 18-8.

Ray Berg's Performance of THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER!

SIBLEY COUNTY, MN Promotional Video - Check it out!

*Some proceeds from the GIBBONREDS.COM Store now go back to the Gibbon Reds!



1 Lamberton 2 Stark
4 Essig 3 Springfield
5 New Ulm 6 Searles
8 Redwood Falls 7 Hanska
9 Sleepy Eye 10 St. James
12 Gibbon 11 Leavenworth

07.15.2007 (LOSS) GAME #26 - Bird Island 10, Gibbon 8 
07.14.2007 (WIN) GAME #25 - Gaylord 1, Gibbon 2 Wade Werner started on the mound giving up the only Gaylord run off of a solo home run by Brian Winters. The Reds scored 2 runs in the 8th to wrap up the home field victory. Corey Gutknecht came in relief in the 7th Inning to pick up the win. 
07.13.2007 (LOSS) GAME #24 - Gibbon 4 Redwood Falls 11 The Reds finished their 2007 Tomahawk East League play with a tough loss to Redwood Falls. They trailed 2-1 after 6 1/3 innings and then things went south. Two non-league games will be played July 14th & 15th to polish up their skills before playoffs start July 20th. Be sure to attend Gibbon's Reunion Weekend to see the Reds play in front of their beloved alumni on July 22nd @ 5:oo PM. 
07.08.2007 (LOSS) GAME #23 - Stark 14, Gibbon 4 
07.07.2007 (LOSS) GAME #22 - Brownton 11 Gibbon 1 
07.01.2007 (LOSS) GAME #21 - Hanska 13 Gibbon 3 
06.30.2007 (LOSS) GAME #20 - SEARLES 13 Gibbon 2 Nothing real impressive to talk about. Details upon request. 
06.29.2007 (WIN) GAME #19 - Leavenworth 11 Gibbon 12 Losing streak ends as Reds bulldog their way to a win. Details soon! 
06.27.2007 2007 GIBBON REDS ALL-STAR SELECTIONS Jon DeRock, Ryan Panning, & Justin Schwecke -The Tomahawk All-Star Game will be held in Leavenworth on July 3rd, 2007 @ 7:30 PM. Leavenworth will also be retiring the #13 jersey of their late manager Jeff Cook. There will be lots of food and prizes at the game. Hope to see everybody there. Congratulations, men. 
06.29.2007 (Sponsored by Bruns' Saloon) GAME #19 - Leavenworth @ Gibbon 5:30 PM Pie Social and Band Performance Night! 
06.28.2007 (LOSS) GAME #18 - Gibbon 0 Henderson 18 
06.24.2007 (LOSS) GAME #17 - Gibbon 1 Essig 7 
06.23.2007 (LOSS) GAME #16 - New Ulm 9 Gibbon 5 
06.20.2007 (LOSS) GAME #15 - Gibbon 5 Sleepy Eye 8 
06.17.2007 (LOSS) GAME #14 - Redwood Falls 12 Gibbon 2 (7 Innings) 
06.15.2007 (LOSS) GAME #13 - Gibbon @ Springfield 6 It was a classic hot and humid summer night as the Springfield Tigers defeated the Gibbon Reds 6-1. Wade Werner took the loss for the Reds going 6 2/3 innings and giving up all six runs. The only run for the Reds came off of a sacrifice fly by Jason Berger to score Jon DeRock in the first inning. Once again, there was little to no offense for the Reds. With less than half of the season left, the Reds are hoping to rekindle their offense which was once looking very productive early in the season. 
06.13.2007 (LOSS) GAME #12 - Gibbon 4 Hanska 6 
06.10.2007 (LOSS) GAME #11 - Essig 8 Gibbon 5 With the game tied 5-5 going into the 9th inning, the Essig Blue Jays hit a Dusty Fleck of the Essig Blue Jays hit a bases loaded triple to put things out of reach for the Reds. 
06.09.2007 (LOSS) GAME #10 - Gibbon 5 Springfield 9 Justin Schwecke had a spectacular day for the Reds, pitching well on the mound and having a multiple hit day at the plate. The game ended with a dramatic bases loaded fly ball to the warning track that would have tied the game. 
06.08.2007 (LOSS) GAME #9 - Gibbon 0 St. James 10 (8 Innings) 
06.01.2007 (LOSS) GAME #8 - Gibbon 2, Stark 8 Batting Box Score Sam Van Hon - 2 for 4, 2B Jon DeRock - 1 for 4, 1R, SB Justin Schwecke - 1 for 4, 2B Pitching Box Score Jon DeRock - 7IN, 8H, 6R (5 earned), 3BB, 9K Shane Ahlbrecht - 1IN, 2H, 2R (1 earned) Gibbon jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the second but that would be all the scoring the Reds offense had as Joey Wahl settled in, going seven strong. Stark gained the lead in the 3rd scoring three runs and added three more in the 5th, and two in the 8th. Offensively Josh Hadley lead the Longhorns going two for four while driving in three runs on a bases loaded triple. Sam Van Hon lead the Reds at the plate going two for four and registering his first double of the season. 
05.29.2007 (LOSS) GAME #7 - Gibbon 1, New Ulm 13 (7 Innings) 
05.25.2007 (WIN) GAME #6 - Gibbon 11, Leavenworth 7 Batting Box Score Josh Berg - 2 for 6, 1R, 2RBI Cody Berger - 2 for 4, 2R, 1RBI, 3B, 2BB, 1SB Jon DeRock - 3 for 4, 2R, 3RBI, 1BB, 1SAC, 3SB Wade Werner - 2 for 5, 1R, 2RBI Mike Evenson - 3 for 4, 1R, 1RBI Pitching Box Score Jon DeRock - 7IN, 5H, 3R (1 earned), 7BB, 6K Cody Berger - 2IN, 4H, 4R (3 earned), 2BB, 2K Missing over half the team, several players picked up the slack including two sixteen year olds. Cody Berger had a big day at the plate and in the field before coming in to finish up the game on the hill. The other young guy to step up was Aaron Bruns, making his first start ever. Aaron went 1 for 5 at the plate and played excellent in the field. Once aging Jon DeRock came up big, leading the Reds at the plate and on the mound. Leavenworth also showed up short handed and fought hard threatening several times throughout the game. Jason Schuler came in to relieve starter Dean Schwartz and pitched well over the 4 2/3. Billy Cook had a solid day at the plate getting on four times via base on balls. Gibbon heads to New Ulm on Tuesday night for a 7:30 start vs. the New Ulm Brewers. 
05.20.2007 (LOSS) GAME #4 - Gibbon 3, Lamberton 9 Batting Box Score Tony Stadtherr - 1 for 3, 1R, 3B, SAC Jon DeRock - 2 for 4, 1RBI, 1SB Jason Berger - 2 for 3, 1RBI, 1BB Pitching Box Score Wade Werner - 5IN, 4H, 5R, 5BB, 4K, 3HB Jon DeRock - 2 1/3, 2H, 4R (1 earned), 3BB, 2K Trevor Loverude - 2/3 
05.20.2007 (LOSS) GAME #5 - Lamberton 12, Gibbon 6 Batting Box Score Justin Schwecke - 2 for 5, 2R, 1RBI Jason Berger - 2 for 5, 1R, 2RBI, 2B Ryan Kachelmeier - 2 for 4, 1RBI, 2B Wade Werner - 2 for 4 The Reds rode into Lamberton shorthanded and it showed in the late innings of both games. With 27 innings to cover over the weekend a lot of players were stretched to their limits. While the bats did their job during both games the defense came up short at times. Some of the young players on the team stepped up at big times at the plate, on the mound and behind the plate. Meanwhile, Lamberton looked to be in mid-season form executing their offense perfectly and playing almost mistake free in the field. Lamberton was also quite impressive on the mound and behind the plate. In the end it was a long day and weekend for the Reds. 
05.19.2007 (LOSS) GAME #3 - Gibbon 5, Searles 14 Batting Box Score Ryan Panning - 1 for 3, 3R, 2BB, 1SB. Justin Schwecke - 1 for 4, 3RBI, 1BB, 1SB. Jon DeRock - 1 for 3, 1RBI, 1BB, 1SAC, 1SB. Corey Gutknecht - 1 for 2, 1R, 2BB, 1SB Pitching Box Score Tony Stadtherr - 3 1/3IN, 7H, 6R (4 earned), 1BB, 1K Jon DeRock - 4 1/3IN, 6H, 8R (4 earned), 3BB, 2K Trevor Loverude - 1/3IN A 7 to 5 game going into the eighth with Gibbon holding all of the momentum looked like it was going to come down to the final pitch. However, four unearned runs in the 8th for the Grizzly's took the wind out of the Reds sails. Overall 5 Gibbon errors was the story of the game for this 14 to 5 Reds loss. 
05.13.2007 (WIN) GAME #2 - Gibbon 10, Sleepy Eye 2 Batting Box Score Justin Schwecke - 2 for 5, 2SB. Tony Stadtherr - 1 for 3, 2B, BB, RBI. Jon DeRock - 3 for 5, SB, RBI. Josh Berg - 1 for 3, 2BB. Ryan Kachelmier - 1 for 3, 2RBI. Shane Ahlbrecht - 1 for 1, HR, 2RBI, BB. Pitching Box Score Wade Werner - W, 6IN, 4K, 3H, 0R. Jon DeRock - 3IN, 3K, 0H, 2R. Once again Wade Werner lead Gibbon with his dominant effort n the mound. Through six innings he gave up only three hits and no runs. At the plate the Reds were lead by Jon DeRock who went three for five with a stolen base, RBI and three runs scored. The Reds scored three in the first and lead three to zero until the Indians got on the board in the seventh with two runs. Gibbon came back with a rally of their own in the home half with the finishing blow coming from the bat of Shane Ahlbreht in the form of a two run home run in to a strong wind. 
05.06.2007 (WIN) GAME #1 - Gibbon 8, St. James 3 Batting Box Score Jon DeRock, 5 for 5, 2B, 3R, 15TB, 1SB, 1RBI - Tony Stadtherr, 2 for 4, 1R, 1BB - Jason Berger, 1 for 4, 2R, 9TB, 1SB, 1RBI - Ryan Kachelmier 2 for 5, 2RBI - Shane Ahlbrecht, 2 for 4, 1RBI Pitching Box Score Wade Werner, Win, 5IN, 4K, 2BB, 2H, 1R (unearned) Jon DeRock, 4IN, 9K, 6BB, 3H, 2R (1 earned) Wade was on top of his game for 5 innings allowing only 2 hits and keeping most balls in the infield. Jon had some problems with his control at times but was filthy at others in striking out 9. At the plate Jon was doing it all. Bunting for one of his hits and running the bases at a very high level. We had rallies going in 5 of our 8 at bats, with 7 of our 8 runs coming in innings 2, 3, and 4. At the plate it was a historical day for the Reds, with 14 hits and 8 runs. 
05.03.2007 - Cosmetic fix ups to McGowan Field is this Saturday from 5:30 PM to Whenever. R. Kachelmeier will provide entertainment. This Saturday we will be giving our ballpark, McGowan Field, a good spring cleaning along with some final cosmetic touch ups for the upcoming season from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Relaxation and good times to follow. Those players that do not have pants, belts, or socks please let Coach Tony know. 
04.29.2007 - The intersquad scrimmage went well for the Reds. 18 of the players on the roster were able to attend which made for good competition. Bat boys also attended and polished up their skills. Jon DeRock was even a triple away from the cycle.




Countdown to
Next home game!

(Jun 2, 2024 @ 5:00pm)

Vs. Sleepy Eye Indians

Player of the week (Jul 9/23)

Josh Wasmund

Josh had a big weekend collecting 5 hits with 2 homeruns and 7 RBI

This week Hitting

Recent Results
Fri Jun 14/24 7:30pm: (2024)
Gibbon Reds -
Hanska Lakers -
Sun Jun 9/24 5:00pm: (2024)
Gibbon Reds -
Stark Longhorns -

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