Date: Sat, Mar 28/15, 1:00pm
Location: Hoopla - Bronze Game
Assiniboia 816151352
Indian Head 184141349
Game Notes: What an incredible way to end the year with such a great game! The Broncs came out ROARING in the first quarter by hitting several shots from the outside and building up a 16-4 lead at one point. It was at this point that the Rockets were reminded of several things in a timeout. They were playing well - the Broncs were just on a hot streak, They were told that they have been behind early before and came back all year. And they were told that the game plan was actually on par - that they had to be willing to go to the basket and draw fouls against their three best defenders even if it meant that they got stuffed or got knocked down and didn't get the call. The team was told that fouls were gold (or bronze in this case) and more valuable in the early stages than points. They were told to keep attacking and get them in foul trouble and on the bench and that is what they did. The Broncs 'big three' got into foul trouble and had to spend major portions of the game on the bench which allowed the Rockets to make a great comeback in the second quarter by holding the IH squad to just 4 points with their scorers on the bench. The second quarter was highlighted by Sierra slashing into the middle of the key several times and converting on some running layups that were just darn pretty. At half time the Rockets were told that they would have to step it up because a team like Indian Head and all of their Hoopla experience will be stepping it up and they better be prepared to step up themselves and they just did that. The Rockets opened up a nine point lead at one point in the third on the back of their transition game that they had been working on all year. Megan scored seven in the quarter based on several fast breaks and a really pretty one that sent the ball from Alexa, who got a long rebound, hitting Sheridan in full stride at mid court who then dribbled away from Megan who was already up the floor making the lone Broncs defender challenge her and sending a beautiful pass over to Megan for the bucket. It was very pretty. Kacey had been challenged at the end of February to shoot more so that she could become the shooter we all knew she could be and she came up huge in this quarter hitting two key outside shots (including a three) in a quarter that saw Sierra and Alexa get shut out on the score sheet. The grade 10 kid stepped up! The fourth was so very entertaining. Not a lot of scoring, but a back and forth affair which saw the crowd on the edge of their seat after the Broncs cut the Rocket nine point lead to three going into the fourth. After getting shut out in the third, Alexa decided that she was going to put the team on her back and she did a great job by continually driving to the hoop and generating points for herself and the team at the foul line. Alexa scored nine of the Rockets' thirteen points in the fourth quarter. With the Rockets up 49-47 with ten seconds to play, the Broncs called a timeout to set up their play to tie the game up. The Rockets coach decided for this one play that they would switch from man to zone defense to see if it would disrupt the IH play. The team ended up not adjusting well and ended up leaving a Bronc player wide open for the lay-up and the tying basket. Tie game. Rockets call time out with 5.5 seconds left on the clock and they get the ball in the front court for their final play. it was suspected that the Broncs were key on Alexa, so in the final play she was the second option and the play was set up for Kacey who hit those big shots in the third. Alexa was to inbound to Kacey in the corner, but Kacey was told that if she got any pressure from up top that she was to give the ball back to Alexa stepping inbounds and she would take the three. Well that is exactly what happened. Alexa got the ball, shot it, swish! Buzzer! Pandemonium! Rockets screaming, fans screaming, players crying, crazy! But wait! The refs determined that the clock didn't stop fast enough and that the Broncs would get 1.2 seconds to run their final play in the Rockets front court. IH timeout. In the timeout the Rockets had to get their emotions under control first and foremost and then get ready to defend that lost shot. The team was told to spread themselves to spread out along the three point line and have no one inside the arc. They were told to let IH have two points. Having everyone so far from the basket seemed to confuse the Broncs and they had trouble getting the ball in. The ball was forced in and it was easily intercepted by Alyssa to seal the victory. Buzzer again! Pandemonium again! Rockets medal for the first time in girls basketball since 1978. Kudos for everyone - the hard work that the team put in starting back in April of last year paid off one year later. Good work team!!!


Alexa Wandler 2 6 0.333 2 8 0.250 6 12 0.500 0 16
Alyssa Anderson 0 2 0.000 0 1 0.000 1 2 0.500 0 1
Kacey Coghill 3 5 0.600 1 1 1.000 0 0 0.000 0 9
Megan Gronsdahl 4 11 0.364 0 1 0.000 3 6 0.500 0 11
Natasha Pomrenke 0 1 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 2 0.000 0 0
Sheridan Mergel 2 5 0.400 0 2 0.000 2 4 0.500 0 6
Sierra Jordison 4 8 0.500 0 10 0.000 1 2 0.500 0 9
TOTALS 15 38 0.395 3 23 0.130 13 28 0.464 0 52

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