Only 19 games till the playoffs!

Posted April 18, 2014

The season has just begun and the Eagles are solidly in second place only one game back of the league leading everyone else that didn't lose opening day. We were a little apprehensive playing in the new Holy park as it has a reputation of being somewhat sketchy but after rolling the drunks off of the bench and cleaning the crack addicts out of the dugout we found a reasonably decent facility. The difficult part was getting the rubbies dressed in Eagles uniforms, some of them had no logo on the front but none the less looked the part. I'd like to describe the game to you but I stayed for 5 innings and can't remember anything. I'm not even sure how I got there. The good news is this is the longest I have gone into a season without striking out, the bad news is I'm the only one. On the bright side everyone left the park with all their belongings in their cars still intact. All in all there were a lot of positive things to take out of the first game. It looks like all we need is a little more real game experience. Unfortunately the next game is against the Buzz Pirates. I'm not one to start anything but exactly how did they come up with the name Pirates? I would ask you to insert your own joke here but I have too many of my own. If you're an assistant coach or ass. coach as it is often referred to does that make you an ass.........well you know where I'm going with that. And did they just become Pirates or have they always been Pirates? Ward claims there's a little Pirate in all of us. I will stop now because I could go on all day and I want to save some for the game. Okay one more, I hear if you strike out looking you have to wear a parrot on your shoulder the rest of the game and begin all your sentences with aaargh. Clearly I'm saving the best material for the game. Alright guys lets take this next game seriously; we have a pretty good record at Central park but this is a team you don't want to turn your back on. I'm sorry I can't help it.


game one is off,rain,rain,rain

April 07, 2018   read more

Game Cancelled due to rain

May 28, 2016   read more

Keep grinding Boyz !

April 19, 2016   read more

Mar 11/16

March 11, 2016   read more

sun is on its way

May 03, 2014   read more

game day may 3

May 02, 2014   read more
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