Royals drop one to Outlaws, split with Guns

Posted July 21, 2014

On Thursday the Royals dropped a rain/storm shortened game to the Outlaws by a score of 7-2. Craig McWillie started on the mound throwing 3 and Eric Bollefer threw two. The defense was poor making 3 errors and the bats were quiet with 3 hits. We were just happy to get out of there alive because it was lightning all night long.

The Royals then took on the Guns in Marysburg on Sunday for their last home games of the year. Dean Jaeb threw five innings and Colin Bauml threw two in the first game. Both pitchers threw very well but the defense let us down making four errors which cost us five runs. The offends was solid with eight hits with Brent Puetz leading the way with a bomb and a double. 

The second game saw Paul Strueby throw four innings, Brett Yarskie threw one, and Eric Bollefer throw two innings. The pitching was good and the defense was better making no errors.  The offense battled back after being down four nothing with a number of clutch hits. Geoff Strueby led the way with a home run and three rbis including a bases loaded walk in the bottom of the seventh.  With the win the Royals clinch the SSBL pennant for the fourth straight year. Next action for the Royals is Tuesday at 6:30 in Saskatoon against the Blue Jays. 

  • 2018 Saskatoon Senior Baseball League Pennant Winners
  • 2016 Saskatoon Senior Baseball League Pennant Winners
  • 2015 Senior AA Provincial Finalists
  • 2015 Saskatoon Senior Baseball League Pennant Winners
  • 2014 Senior AA Provincial Finalists
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