DBacks blown away by Giants 11-8

Posted July 25, 2014

With right field wind gusts estimated at 156 km/h everyone knew this day would suck.

Making it suck a little less was a guest appearance from Kenneth Nichols III aka Junior aka JR. He was promised to catch Saunders but the big fella caught a bad case of vaginaitis and prompted DBacks management to start lefty specialist Axel.

This was arguably the worst game in FMBA history. Walks, bleeders, and errors riddled both sides. How we scored a combined 19 runs is miraculous given no one hit the ball farther than 150 feet.

Post game, JR re-enters retirement after 8 Walks, 17.5 dirt balls, 1 missed back pick, a foul ball off the nut sack, a foul ball off the chin and a 0-1 performance with 2 HPBs at the dish.

He was quoted saying, "I didn't sign up for this - where's the beer."

MVP - JR for not leaving 1/2 through the game.
Vag Badge - Saunders for being a cock tease.

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